Editorial: To Who Shall I Speak and Give Warning? (Jeremiah 6:10-ff)
We as Christians ought to examine closely our attitudes toward the preaching of the word of God. It is disturbing to hear the criticism that is being expressed toward those who are following the example of Jeremiah and warning of sin in our time. May we as God’s people ever have a tender heart towards His will, and those who proclaim it to us.
The Glorious Church Reflected in the Church’s Spotless Nature
As God’s people go about in doing the Will of God, the wisdom of God is clearly seen. It is God’s wisdom, the wisdom from heaven, that directs the church; and, in doing so it gives glory to the church.
The Glorious Church Reflected in The Fullness of Salvation
The atonement for the church is universal. God has provided a way for all men to be saved. Christ tasted death “for every man” (Heb. 2:9). “One died for all” (2 Cor. 5:14). However, the fact that Christ’s atonement for the church was universal in its provisions does not mean that all will be saved. Appropriating, contacting, taking advantage of the benefits of the church, of the atonement is clear and conditional according to inspiration. Paul pleads, “Be ye reconciled to God” (2 Cor. 5:20).
The Glorious Church Reflected in the Mystery of the Gospel Revealed
As we can understand the mystery of salvation in Christ for all men, because it has been revealed, every man can also understand through the same revelation of God’s mystery how he should walk in Christ. Paul exhorts, “As therefore ye received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and builded up in Him, and established in your faith, even as ye were taught, abounding in thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:6-7).
The Glorious Church Reflected in The Promised Messiah
We have noticed that the Messiah was promised, and how God faithfully kept His word. Jesus came and was everything the prophets said he would be. He did all they said he would do (Jn. 19:28). God has also promised that Jesus will come again, at which time the dead will be raised, all will be judged, the earth will be destroyed, and either heaven or hell will be our eternal home (cf. Matt. 25:31-46; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 20:11-15; 2 Pet. 3:7-14). Do you believe the promise?
The Glorious Church: Reflected in the Manifold Wisdom of God
When men outgrow preaching about the divinely revealed church, they have moved away from preaching the whole counsel of God simply because the church is a part of the divine purpose in Christ Jesus (Eph. 3:11). May we ever appreciate the importance of the church which was planned in the mind of God as a part of his eternal purpose, built by the Lord Jesus Christ, established on Pentecost, and will be delivered up to the Father at the Lord Jesus’ second coming (1 Cor. 15:24).
The Glorious Church: Theme Introduction
Have you read your Bible lately? In it you will find Jesus Christ, the Son of God, laying down His life for the sins of the world. Those who respond in obedient faith (“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved” Mk. 16:16) are saved and added to His church (Acts 2:47). In the church, each one finds a place of service and builds a faith which directs the saved to Heaven. You need look no further. Jesus and His church are as near as your New Testaments.
Editorial: Lessons for Us from Nehemiah
A recognition of the current troubles that face the people of God ought to rouse each of us to a zeal for Him and His word. It ought to cause us to conform our conversation to revealed standards, and cause us to “contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered” (cf. Jude 3) against all error.
Who Were the Amorites?
We must remember that God gives both men and nations time and opportunity to repent of their sin (cf. Rev. 2:20-21). The Amorite nation despised God’s goodness and longsuffering by refusing to repent of their sin (cf. Rom. 2:4); the Lord’s judgment upon them was most severe. Anyone who imitates their rebellion will one day “lift up his eyes in torment” and eternally regret it (Rom. 2:5; Matt. 10:28; Rev. 2:22-23).
Purity and Doctrine
This is the lesson of ancient Israel. Immoral lives of sexual debauchery and riotous drinking parties with music and dancing were a part of the lives of those who had “no knowledge,” and who were not instructed in “doctrinal” truth regarding the word of the Lord (Isa. 5:11-13; Hos. 4:6-11). Will we never learn?
Hymenaeus & Philetus
How is it that a faithful child of God can endorse one that boldly or cowardly supports those in error? It is high time that we cease to coddle those who teach error and others who approve of them. We are not saying it is required to break fellowship at the “drop-of-a-hat.” Rather, after patient study and prayer with the ones in error, be man enough to TAKE A STAND! (1 Cor. 16:13; Eph. 6:13).
Watchmen In Zion
Watchmen in Zion will sound forth warnings against sin and error – wherever it is found – in an effort to turn lost souls away from certain and sure destruction to the salvation found in the Messiah, Jesus Christ the Lord (Jude 3-4, 20-23). Those who watch for the welfare of souls will mark those who cause divisions contrary to the doctrine of truth, and turn away from them (Rom. 16:17; 2 Tim. 3:1-5). They will identify false teaching and when necessary, the false teachers of that error so that innocent souls will not be corrupted and lost (Rom. 16:18; Col. 2:4; 2 Tim. 2:16-18).
God’s Holiness and Our Sanctification
I believe that an application of the fundamental principle of Sanctification would go a long way toward solving the moral and doctrinal problems that presently trouble the people of God. It is to a very great extent a failure to recognize and heed the call to holiness which is the cause for the present troubles.
Queries and Explications: The Baptism of Jesus
At the baptism of Jesus, we are not confronted with a person and with two manifestations which are not persons. Rather, we have Jesus, one person, being spoken to and addressed as the “beloved Son” of another (second) person (“the Lord Jesus Christ, the son of the Father”– 2 Jn. 3). Then, the Holy Spirit (a third person), in “bodily shape like a dove,” was seen “lighting upon him” (Jesus).
Voices from the Past: Have Convictions Will Stand
Do we have conviction? Are we willing to accept the Lord’s teaching? “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me” (Matt. 10:34-37).
Prosiguiendo a la meta: ¿Es Usted libre?
En Éxodo 15 los israelitas se encontraron totalmente libres de la esclavitud que los oprimía por más de cuatro siglos. Cantaron un cántico triunfante en el cual agradecieron a Dios, reconociendo las grandes obras que había hecho por ellos. Apocalipsis 15 habla del cántico de Moisés y del Cordero. Como Moisés fue el libertador de la esclavitud física, así Cristo es el Libertador de la esclavitud espiritual. Si aceptamos esa libertad que Cristo nos ofrece, algún día nos encontraremos allá en el cielo donde cantaremos ese cántico a nuestro Redentor que nos habrá dado la libertad que jamás nos dejará.
The Distaff: Why Women Should Come to the Lord
There are many reasons why women should come to the Lord and this list could go on. The most important reason is to obtain salvation from the sentence of death caused by our sin. We may be comforted in knowing our Lord’s loving attitude toward women of protection, compassion, honor, and friendship. We can be assured that our Lord loves our children as much as we do and has provided a way for them to be with us forever. One need only to obey the simple plan of salvation given by God in His word.
Solid Food: Ye Are Gods (John 10:34)
“I and the Father are one ” is equivalent to saying “I am the Son of God” (v 30, 36). This was a clear declaration of deity by Jesus and the Jews took it as such (v. 33). Only in a representative sense have men ever been called “gods.” However, one has lived among us who was more than just man. Jesus was God in the flesh (John 1:14; Col. 2:9). His works confirm it. His words attest to it. He has power to save and to protect your soul. Do you believe it? Are you his sheep?
Evidences of Faith: Delivered from Slavery
The parallels between the passing through the Red Sea and baptism into Christ are extensive. This is just one more example of why this volume of sixty-six books written by over forty authors over some fourteen hundred years, cannot be a mere collection of interesting stories.
The Simple Gospel: The Gospel of Christ – God’s Power to Save
Faith in Jesus as the Son of God will motivate a person to find and do the righteousness of God found in the gospel of Christ. There is no need to go looking in any other source. The answers are to be found in the good news of Jesus.