Editorial: Some Magazine Business
Be sure to read all of the fine articles in this month’s Watchman, and let others know about the magazine. Our paper cousins have to charge a subscription due to costs of printing, but Watchman is free. Well, except for the cost of the computer, software, internet service, etc. But as long as you have all that “stuff” anyway, you should take advantage of the material we supply each month! Happy Reading!
Sermon Transcript (Harry Pickup, Sr., 1958)
Transcription of Sermon by Harry Pickup, Sr., on the subject of Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage. Preached at Palatka, FL in 1958.
Sermon Transcript (Harry Payne, Sr., 1958)
Transcription of sermon on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage. Preached by Harry Payne, Sr. at Palatka, FL (1958)
Sermon Transcript (H.E. Phillips, 1958)
Transcription of sermon on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage. Preached by H.E. Phillips at Palatka, FL (1958)
Sermon Transcript (Homer Hailey, 1958)
Transcription of sermon on Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage. Preached by Homer Hailey at Palatka, FL (1958)
MDR: Introduction to the Palatka, FL Meeting (1958)
It is my sincere plea that you will open the scriptures as you honestly and objectively read the sermons which were preached in Palatka, Florida over forty years ago. The Truth will always stand the test of examination. Those of whom it is said: “…they received not the love of the Truth that they might be saved…” (II Thessalonians 2:10) will sadly come to know that “it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31).
Editorial: The Bible
Again, as we place our confidence in the Bible we have received as the inspired Word of God, we call upon logic to bolster our faith. As Christians we are confident that the same God who has determined to reveal Himself to us will providentially guide the hands of men to keep that will pure and complete. The Bible is whole, unadulterated, and the authoritative Word of God!
The Simple Gospel: Is There A Basis for Your Joy?
Do you feel good about yourself? Your relationship with God? Do you feel good about those with whom you have spiritual fellowship? Do you have…
Queries and Explications: Comments on the Godhead
This article deals with the question as to persons in the godhead. Brother Hafley affirms in the face of Oneness Pentecostal opposition that: The Scriptures teach that there are three separate and distinct persons in the Godhead; namely, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
White Unto Harvest: The Logistics of Preaching
As we noted in the introduction, brethren in the first century had to deal with the logistics of their work and, as we have seen, so must brethren today. All told, such logistics usually demand a large amount of time and money. Sometimes preachers are said to “only work a few hours a week.” Hopefully, the things brought forth in this article will give a greater appreciation for what men in different places go through to preach the Gospel.
Solid Food: The Holy Spirit in Acts
Any consideration of the themes contained in the Book of Acts must surely include the administration of the Holy Spirit. As Joel prophesied, the “last days” would see the pouring out of the Spirit of God. Peter, one of the twelve who received this pouring out in Acts 2, confirmed that God had kept his word, the last days had arrived and the Spirit was thereby being given. It is notable that the apostles were never confused about the Spirit, its mission nor its medium; but confusion reigns today as every charlatan and huckster seeks to make merchandise of the Spirit of God. How fearful it is to consider the fate of those who do despite to the Spirit.
Evidences of Faith: Noah’s Baptism
One of the great events of the Old Testament, the Flood, was arranged by God to foreshadow New Testament baptism. This tells us something about the importance of baptism; it is not some minor doctrinal point, but a significant part of God’s plan of salvation.
Voices from the Past: A Letter from a Sponsoring Congregation
Men such as these and Paul, John the Immerser, and Peter would not be allowed in many pulpits today. Though the word of God highly commends them, many, including some brethren, would reject them and their teaching from God. Yes, in times past and present, those who strive to uphold the right ways of the Lord are demonized and maligned so as to prejudice others against them.
An Annotated Bibliography
An Annotated Bibliography for material presented in the Theme Articles: Biblical Evidences VS Unbiblical Compromise
Concluding Thoughts
There is no doubt in my mind that acceptance of evolutionary concepts regarding the inanimate creation will inevitably result in acceptance of evolutionary concepts regarding the animate creation. Maybe not by the present teachers of such, but certainly by a second generation. The history of “Progressive Creationism” among the denominational world plainly shows that fact.
Consequences of New Hermeneutics
Science is driving modern culture, but most of us haven’t even got license plates. We are inundated with various claims of science, all of which purport to be authoritative. Yet, few people have scientific expertise. Most of us are left to wonder which claims are true and which are false.
A Review of Hill Roberts
It is a sad time in the Israel of God today. Hill Roberts and others can present this perversion of God’s Word for years, and instead of an outcry against their violence to the Scriptures, their popularity appears to be increasing. Ignorant and undiscerning brethren are dazzled by their multimedia presentation and fail to understand the consequences of the doctrine they are accepting.
Review of John Clayton
The purpose of the following review of John Clayton and his teachings is not meant to be a complete look into the man and his teachings. It is only a summary of some of the errors that are taught in his materials.
A Review of Hugh Ross
For any teaching to gain a hearing, it has to have one or more proponents who are teaching or defending the view. “Old earth creationism” has several major proponents. One of the most prominent of those proponents in evangelical circles is Hugh Ross.
Understanding the Terminology
Words have meanings, but they often have different meanings to different people using them. Our English language is difficult to understand at times because one English word can have many different meanings. It is imperative, therefore, in any meaningful discussion to first define the terms used. Often in a debate the disputants will first define their terms. This is important for both the opponent and the audience in order to completely understand the issue. In the same way, it is important in the discussion of creation issues to define the terms beings used. A person might say, “I believe that God created the universe in six days,” and mean something completely different than what another means when he says the same thing.