The Simple Gospel: Christ, The Source of All Authority
Simply put, direction for the Christian in his life must ultimately have as its source the Christ. Those who foist upon us their own opinions and directives practice lawlessness, and stand condemned. Do you want to enter the kingdom of heaven? Then follow Christ, not man.
Associate Editorial: "I’m On My Own"
Yes, my friend, you will be on your own, to stand or fall, for good or bad. There will be no one to blame but yourself. Your mistakes will be yours and no guilt can be handed back to your parents any longer. And there is an additional thought worthy of consideration: when you have children, you will be faced with the same responsibilities your parents had. If you love your children, if you want their life to prosper, if you want them to grow up respecting others and being prepared to face life, you will have to set some rules. And the cycle will have come full circle!
Editorial: Friendship with the World is "Emnity With God"
The Bible is replete with the condemnation of such ungodliness. Warnings are given again and again about the dangers. “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world; the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever” (1 John 2:15-17).
Problems in the Lord’s Church
The church of Christ has always endured false doctrines and evil influences, and today is no different. There are particular heresies which are affecting and influencing the church today, and they cannot be ignored. While not every problem mentioned in this sermon series is affecting every local church, and while our first duty is to our local church, still we cannot simply ignore them.
The Motor is Running, But Brethren Are In Neutral
We must have the determination that we will not be a part of this so-called “neutral” generation (Matthew 12:30)! The night is far spent and the day is at hand – it is now time to wake up, stand up, and speak up for Truth (Romans 13: 11-14) (1 Thessalonians 5: 4-11)! You and I are the Lord’s messengers and servants – is He able to count on us?
Ron Halbrook’s Rejoinder
Unfortunately, many who say we are “too negative” never get around to addressing certain sins and errors in the “better way,” but they are very critical of those who are doing so in the best way we know to do it.
A Response, Written to Ron Halbrook
An email respondent takes issue with Ron Halbrook’s and Tom Robert’s negative approach to the Christian faith
Contending for the Faith: Answering a Baptist Preacher’s ‘Unanswerable Questions’
Larry Ray Hafley answers from the scriptures questions asked by a Baptist Preacher.
Walking Worthy: Tammy Faye Says You’re O.K.
So many sins are being recategorized today. We say to God, you made me this way, so I can’t help being a drunk, an addict, a striker, a loudmouth, a gossip, a fornicator, a homosexual. Truly, you are who you are, but you can be more. Stop giving place to the devil and start judging morality by the ancient standard again. Then we can overcome sin rather than being overcome by it.
White Unto Harvest: "Ye Have the Poor Always With You"
Because the poor will always be with us, we will come into contact with them from time to time. Good judgment should govern our conduct towards them. If it does not, there is a very real danger that any given preaching effort might be detoured away from its true purpose.
In the Steps of the Savior: Jesus on Materialism
Let us be thankful for that which we have, but let us make sure that our true treasure is measured in spiritual terms. This will be accomplished only as we honestly and objectively examine ourselves by the standard of our Lord’s teaching.
God Understands Language
The plea is for simple adherence to just what the Bible says.
The Simple Gospel: False Sources of Divine Authority
The sole source of religious authority for the child of God is our Savior Jesus Christ.
Longsuffering and Merciful
God is surely longsuffering and full of mercy. But remember that God’s spirit “will not always strive with man” (Genesis 6:3). The Day of Reckoning will surely come, just as the rains descended in Noah’s day. Will you ignore God’s mercy? Will you outlast His patience? Will you refuse to obey the gospel?
Intellectual Arrogance
Intellectual arrogance can touch us all. But, by its nature, it is seldom recognized by the guilty. The Corinthians fancied themselves tolerant, and yet Paul called them “puffed up.” Such pride is subtle, and can affect us all. “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12).
Breaking Neo-Calvinism
Listed are a series of suggestions to use in refuting Neo-Calvinistic error
No Law
Neo Calvinists believe that under the new covenant, man is not constrained by law.
Assurance – Security
Neo-Calvinists erroneously believe that some sins do not separate man from God
Doctrine-Gospel Distinction
Neo-Calvinists make an unscriptural distinction between gospel and doctrine
Righteousness Imputed
Neo-Calvinists teach error regarding Imputed Righteousness