Category: Watchmen

Subject: Watchmen

Posted in Apostasy Attitudes Defense of Truth Preacher Preaching Subject Index Watchmen

Are Those Who “Sleep On Watch” Traitors to the Cause of Christ?

The one principle upon which we must stand is not difficult to know. It might be difficult to accomplish. Those not strong in the faith cannot achieve it. Those who love the Lord, must do it as honorable soldiers of Christ: 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.” From this line of battle we must not be moved!

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Posted in Controversy Creation Defense of Truth Editorials Florida College Open Letter Subject Index Watchmen

Editorial: Honor in Controversy

The Open Letter is an expression of concern. It is carefully worded, and carries a reasonable tone. Every accusation made is accompanied by corroborating quotes and evidence. Much more material has been published in the last month, in response and rejoinder. All we are asking is for each Christian to examine all of the material. If Florida College deserves rebuke, raise your voice to help effect change for the better.

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Posted in Attitudes Positive Preaching Preacher Preaching Subject Index Watchmen

Some Old Saws — Same Old Saws

The present condition among the conservative brethren bears remarkable resemblance to previous episodes of innovation. Those who are trying to sell the unity in diversity bill of goods are using the same old saws we always hear at such a time as this.

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Posted in Defense of Truth Edification Preaching Subject Index Watchmen

Queries and Explications: How Do We Alert the Sleeping Faithful?

Not everyone will join the fray, even if they see and know the seriousness of it. Some are cowards; some are spineless spiritual politicians who, like the princes of Succoth, will not aid the army of God until they see who is going to win (Jud. 8:4-7). Wash your hands of such men. They will stifle your efforts; they will quench the Spirit and yours, IF you will let them. Follow the pattern of Paul in this endeavor, as in all efforts, teaching every man, warning every man in all wisdom (Col. 1:28). Having done that, flinch not, flee not, and take steady aim between the eyes of your adversaries.

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Posted in Attitudes Positive Preaching Preacher Preaching Subject Index Watchmen

Voices from the Past: Trouble Makers or Truth Tellers (Larry Ray Hafley)

We understand that truth “causes” trouble for the one who does not accept it (Jn. 3:19-21). Those who want to avoid truth and its consequences (like dancing [the prom], drinking [social or otherwise], filthy language and movies [Gal. 5:19-21]) will be uncomfortable with it and try to stop the mouths of those who speak it. We cannot be deterred by this, but labor more abundantly to stop their evil mouths (Titus 1:10-14). Let us speak the truth in love, and not be discouraged by the disparaging remarks of those whose deeds are evil.

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Posted in Apostasy Attitudes Defense of Truth Doctrinal Error Editorials False Teachers Positive Preaching Preacher Preaching Subject Index Watchmen

Editorial: Is Something “Happening” in the Church?

I dare say that no one in our fellowship would deny that Ezekiel, Paul and Jesus had a love for the souls of men. And yet, their manner was often confrontational, always uncompromising, and sometimes even derisive toward those who would make shipwreck of our faith. The common criticism of those defending truth as having improper motives and a lack of love often speaks more to the mindset of the one offended by such criticism rather than the one delivering the rebuke.

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Posted in Attitudes Debate Defense of Truth Doctrinal Error False Teachers Positive Preaching Subject Index Watchmen

Queries and Explications: How Do We “Fight the Fight”?

Frankly, the non-controversial, non-combative, non-confrontational approach to preaching is cause for alarm. Often, though certainly not always, such a spirit resides within those who are liberal minded and who have no respect for “the good fight of faith” (2 Corinthians 10:3-5; 1 Timothy 6:12; Jude 3). Not being sure that error condemns, and not being convinced that denominationalism is not of God, some have begun to sympathize with false teachers and apologize for those who oppose and expose them.

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Posted in Defense of Truth Subject Index Watchmen

Watchmen In Zion

Watchmen in Zion will sound forth warnings against sin and error – wherever it is found – in an effort to turn lost souls away from certain and sure destruction to the salvation found in the Messiah, Jesus Christ the Lord (Jude 3-4, 20-23). Those who watch for the welfare of souls will mark those who cause divisions contrary to the doctrine of truth, and turn away from them (Rom. 16:17; 2 Tim. 3:1-5). They will identify false teaching and when necessary, the false teachers of that error so that innocent souls will not be corrupted and lost (Rom. 16:18; Col. 2:4; 2 Tim. 2:16-18).

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Posted in Attitudes Controversy Defense of Truth Doctrinal Error Preaching Subject Index Truth Watchmen

Voices from the Past: Our Attitude and Practice Toward Error (Dennis C. Abernathy)

Yes, it has always been true that those who have the truth fear no investigation, but those who have not the truth, dodge, run, avoid, and squirm when confronted. Why are some preachers so reluctant to come forth with their doctrine? Could it be, they do not have the truth?

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Posted in Apostasy Attitudes Church Controversy Defense of Truth Editorials Local Church Preaching Subject Index Truth Watchmen

Editorial: Thinking About the Church

Brethren, an apostasy is brewing. Local congregations are being affected. Preachers are going “hither, thither and yon” and preaching error. They are hiding behind the biblical concept of autonomy, distorting this grand principle established by God and using it to further their pernicious cause. Those who speak out against this error are being falsely charged with “meddling” and trying to “run things.”

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Posted in Debate Positive Preaching Preaching Subject Index Truth Watchmen

Voices from the Past: The Spirit of Christ (N.B. Hardeman)

It seems that brethren in general, and many of those who preach, have either forgotten what the true spirit of Christ is, or they have never known it at all. We ask, does one have “the spirit of Christ” when he rebukes those whom he says do not have it? To those who condemn men for not having “the spirit of Christ,” will you have “the spirit of Christ” after you have read Hardeman’s sermon?

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Posted in Authority Subject Index Watchmen

We Need Watchmen Because of Attacks on Authority in the Church

The authority of God in all his appointments and plans should not be attacked but humbly honored and respected. It is only when we do God’s work according to God’s revelation that the churches grow, the lost are saved, and the saints are edified. And this is what God wants.

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Posted in Children Subject Index Watchmen Youth

We Need Watchmen Because of Our Children

Young people need our older brethren to take them by the hand and teach them all the counsel of God (Acts 20:20). We do not need back-slappers, and men who compromise “the faith once delivered unto the saints” (Jude 3) to keep the young people interested. This is a detriment to spreading the borders of the kingdom, it is not an asset.

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Posted in Attitudes Positive Preaching Preaching Subject Index Watchmen

We Need Watchmen Because of the PMA Approach to Preaching

Brethren, churches must demand preachers who will preach the whole counsel, and preachers must demand churches respect the whole counsel. Some preachers may be fired as a result of standing for the whole counsel … and some churches may need to fire some to be able to receive the whole counsel.

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Posted in Diversity Fellowship Subject Index Unity Watchmen

We Need Watchmen Because of Unity in Diversity

We live in the information age, in which both truth and error travel at rates measured in fractions of seconds. No longer is the false teacher confined to horse and buggy. Now, he can wreak havoc with a magazine or a modem, in locations which he could never visit, perhaps even continents away. It is not wise to contend that an error on the east coast is not dangerous to folks on the west coast. Though we may think ourselves safe in “the mountains of Esau” (Obadiah 3-8), the forces of destruction can invade like a bolt of lightning.

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Posted in Immorality Subject Index Watchmen

We Need Watchmen Because of Immorality

Local churches of Christ should not tolerate immorality. These sins ought to be exposed as such and the brethren warned about their destructive nature. Those who refuse to heed the warnings and rebukes of faithful Christians should be disciplined for their own good and the good of the congregation (1 Cor. 5; 2 Thess. 3:6-14). Preachers must cease not to warn. We must “preach the word” and be faithful in our work as ministers of Christ (2 Tim. 4:2-5).

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Posted in Editorials Subject Index Truth Watchmen

Theme Editorial: The Present Need for Watchmen

Truly we need watchmen in our time, and we need good brethren to stand with them in their mission of righteousness. Will you be an “Obadiah” to the “Elijahs” and “Ezekiels” of our day?

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