Category: Self-Justification

Subject: Self-Justification

Posted in Attitudes Confession Repentance Self-Justification Sin Subject Index

Rationalizing Sinful Behavior

No one likes having their sins pointed out. Our pride makes it easy to be tempted to defend ourselves in such situations. However, we must rise above this temptation and always be willing to deal honestly with the sin that is in our life.

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Posted in Attitudes Christian Living Ignorance Meekness Self-Justification Subject Index

Holier than Thou

Most of us have heard the accusation hurled our way or at someone else.  The accuser says, “You have a holier than thou attitude.”  Could…

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Posted in Fornication Self-Control Self-Justification Sin Subject Index

Can We Talk About Your Porn Stash?

Whether it is nestled away on paper in a nightstand, lurking somewhere on a computer hard drive, or available to you by clicking on a web page, your porn stash is a filthy, addictive, morally expensive habit. You feel like you have been fortunate so far that no one has found it, but you would be better off if they did. Maybe then you would feel compelled to quit. Instead, you’re just digging deeper.

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Posted in Self-Justification Subject Index

In the Steps of the Savior: Self-Justification

Self-justification is a dangerous approach to dealing with our sins. Instead of trying to rationalize away our guilt, we ought to admit it and seek God’s forgiveness. Instead of trying to excuse ourselves before others and maintain our pride, we ought to humble ourselves and admit our wrong. Confession is good for the soul both now and eternally.

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