Category: Prophet
Subject: Prophet
Contending for the Faith: The Spirit of Elijah
It is only when we hear “some preachers say” that “speaking the truth in love” means that we must avoid “negative preaching,” that we hear preachers rightly observe that “two-thirds” of Jeremiah 1:10 is “negative,” while “one-third” is “positive.” It is only when preaching that roots out, pulls down, destroys, and throws down is castigated as being harmful and contrary to the spirit of godly gospel preaching that we hear “some preachers” speak of the “two-thirds, one-third” equation.
Evidences of Faith: A Prophet Like Moses
The book of Deuteronomy, which was written somewhere around 1450 BC, records the final words of Moses to the nation of Israel, before their long-awaited…
Editorial: To Who Shall I Speak and Give Warning? (Jeremiah 6:10-ff)
We as Christians ought to examine closely our attitudes toward the preaching of the word of God. It is disturbing to hear the criticism that is being expressed toward those who are following the example of Jeremiah and warning of sin in our time. May we as God’s people ever have a tender heart towards His will, and those who proclaim it to us.