Category: Subject Index
Subject Index
Solid Food: Should One Call Names from the Pulpit
Calling names will never be popular. This fact alone should neither encourage or discourage us. Nor should the reaction of the public be the total criterion. While some human judgment must determine our practice, the most important factor must be that of a boldness in declaring Jesus that reflects a New Testament spirit. Such preaching will arouse and convict; it will irritate and confound; it will cause extreme reactions and deepest opposition … among those in sin. But of those in sin will be some who can be led into paths of righteousness and salvation by this same bold preaching.
The Simple Gospel: Gambling
Gambling is now legalized in twenty-six states. This figure will no doubt, increase in the near future. As the problem increases so does our responsibility to deal with it.
Evidences of Faith: Documentation of the Bible
The manuscript evidence for the New Testament is truly overwhelming. If we approach the subject objectively, we must admit that all of the manuscript evidence points to the genuineness and authenticity of the books. They were written when they claim to have been written, and by whom they claim to have been written. Moreover, the text we have today is true to the original documents. Any claim, then, that “the Bible has been changed”, or that “the Gospels were written generations after the fact”, is demonstrably false. Consequently, any argument or doctrine built upon such a claim necessarily falls apart. Whenever we pick up a literal translation of the Bible, we have in our hands a substantially accurate rendition of some authentic – and very important – ancient documents.
They Being Dead Yet Speak: Voices from the Past – 2
Much was said a generation ago, by able contenders for the faith, about “tendencies” that led to the departure from the New Testament order of things. Departures were gradual and always began with “tendencies” which the thoughtless and uninformed thought innocent enough, and they often became very impatient with, and just as often used bitter speech in denouncing loyal and able men who were able to see what these “tendencies” would ultimately lead to.
They Being Dead Yet Speak: Voices from the Past – 1
We have however, in the church today, a new generation, many of whom are unfamiliar with the battles waged in the past against digression and the tendencies that developed into it. They appear to be blind to any dangers, and like Galileo of old, “care for none of these things.”
They Being Dead Yet Speak: Church and School
It is clear, then, that individuals may support Christian schools–primary, grammar, high school and college. Let us so support Christian schools that they may grow and prosper, while remaining sound; but let no secular institution be joined to the church, and let the church as such keep itself separated from any secular institution.
They Being Dead Yet Speak: The Mission of the Church – 3
We need again to say that when the energy, money, prayers, and abilities of the church in any community are given to do this work, God’s purposes are served. But when they are diverted to serve other purposes, the church of God, divine in design and purpose, is prostituted to serve human aims, and God cannot be pleased.
They Being Dead Yet Speak: The Mission of the Church – 2
For the church to burden itself down with benevolences of every kind, much of which is the obligation of individuals or of the state, tax supported, so that it cannot preach the gospel, is to defeat its primary purpose. Hence, God placed around these works of benevolence the restrictions which we have already noted. It cannot be right to let the eternal souls of men go down to destruction because of the church being overburdened with caring for temporal wants and necessities.
They Being Dead Yet Speak: The Mission of the Church – 1
Teaching, exhortation, admonition, and instruction in righteousness are all required. The word of God is designed to fill each one of these needs, and must only be taught to do so (2 Timothy 3:16, 17.) The church is designed to do the teaching; hence, all that is needed is for the church simply to carry out God’s plan, and do that which God designed it to do.
Theme Editorial: They Being Dead Yet Speak!
Be not afraid to speak that word which these dead soldiers preached. Their courage and their determination and their devotion serve to instruct, to motivate, and ultimately to save us by the preaching of the implanted word of God (James 1:21).
Editorial: The Mechanism of Sin and Temptation (James 1:12-18)
The principle of death as mentioned here in this text is both physical and spiritual. As a result of Adam’s sin, physical death entered into the world. They were banished from the Garden of Eden, and the immortality granted them by the Tree of Life. All who live on this earth will die, and this will remain true until Christ comes again. However, the spiritual death intimated here by James is much more serious. Spiritual death is Separation from God. And without the new birth which comes through obedience to His word, the death will be for an eternity.
Evidences of Faith: Ancient Alphabet
We must conclude that the people who developed the ancient Chinese written language were aware of the same account of the creation and earliest history of man that is recorded in the Bible. This is a powerful testimony to the truthfulness and accuracy of the scriptural record.
Voices from the Past: Origin of Instrumental Music in Christian Worship (M.C. Kurfees)
Finally, one thing is incontrovertibly settled: those who adopt this practice (instrumental music in worship) are, to that extent, guided by the wisdom of man, and not by the wisdom of God; and they thus openly violate the plain and positive requirement of the Lord that His followers shall walk by faith.
White Unto Harvest: Christianity – A Taught Religion
The rapid growth of the early church was the result of “teaching.” Those who were scattered from Jerusalem because of persecution went everywhere “preaching the word” (Acts 8:4). This is what they had been doing before they were scattered too! One of the greatest needs of the church today is for brethren, all of us, to get busy teaching God’s word to those who know it not.
Solid Food: Misuse of “Grace” to Cover Sin
So far as the churches of Christ are concerned, the fundamental teaching of truth during the Restoration Movement was so effective (cf: “The Scheme of Redemption,” by Robert Milligan) that it eradicated practically every vestige of Calvinism among Christians. From the early 1800’s until our generation, classic Calvinism (TULIP) has been recognized as the error it is and has not been a source of internal strife (must less a cause of division) within local congregations. However, history will record that it has become the task of our generation to combat these errors again.
The Simple Gospel: God Desires Mercy Rather Than Sacrifice
Regardless of how perfect one’s attendance at the services of the local church may be, God still desires mercy (compassion, loyalty, knowledge…Matthew 9:13 and Hosea 6:6). Regardless of how popular or widely known a person may be among the brotherhood, God still desires that individual’s behavior to be based on love (Matthew 22:37-39), even if the circumstances are not YET widely known.
Prosiguiendo a la meta: Siete casos de la providencia
Debemos tener conciencia de la providencia en nuestra vida. Debemos vivir confiadamente–sin miedo–reconociendo que “el hombre no es señor de su camino, ni del hombre que camina es el ordenar sus pasos” (Jer 10:23). Nuestra peregrinación aquí es corta y depende a todo momento de Dios (Stg 4:13-15). Cuando oramos por la salud de los enfermos, o por el presidente del país, estamos pidiendo la providencia, no milagros, ni “buena suerte”, sino una poderosa intervención de Dios a favor de los suyos.
Moral Leadership
It is evident to those who have not been unduly influenced by the deceiver that character and moral leadership is important to society. This is true on the national scale, as well as in our individual lives as we work, interact with our families and friends, and as we seek to serve our God. It is easy, however, for us to wag our fingers at the immoralities in our society, and not recognize the dangerous influences society can have on us as Christians.
Neither Black Nor White
I find the behavior of Christians in the past very troublesome, especially in light of the problems which continue to exist today. Racism undoubtedly was present among Christians in the past, and racism still exists in some form even today. Christians who claim perfection in knowing and understanding God’s doctrine concerning the church, the faith and life are futile in their own perfection if racism and other forms of injustice are accommodated and even promoted among Christians.
Debate: Inherited Sin (Second Negative)
Proposition: The Scriptures teach that, as a result of Adam’s fall, all men are born sinners.
* Affirm: R.L. Vaughn
* Deny: Steven Deaton