Category: Subject Index
Subject Index
Electronic Preacher: My New Toy – An LCD Projector
Technology is neither inherently good nor bad, but it can certainly be useful. Just an hour ago one of the elders here at West Side indicated to me that he believed the purchase of the projector was one of the best things we have done for the worship in recent memory. I said in reference to the substantial cost, “Well, I’m glad because I felt a bit of trepidation in suggesting we buy it.” He answered, “Well, I’m glad too, because I felt a bit of trepidation in agreeing to it!”
Recuerde también la tentación de cometer los pecados que acompañan el vivir aquí ilegalmente. Aparte de vivir y trabajar en Estados Unidos ilegalmente y aparte de las violaciones de la ley de parte de los patrones (de las cuales transgresiones los trabajadores participan), también hay otras cosas serias (usar papeles chuecos y mentir para conseguir empleo o para recibir beneficios). Recuérdese Apoc. 21:8, “todos los mentirosos tendrán su parte en el lago que arde con fuego y azufre, que es la muerte segunda”. Por último, repito, si algún hermano quiere hablar sobre este tema, que lea estos textos sobre el tema y ¡que los explique! para la edificación de la iglesia.
The Simple Gospel: New Swaziland Dress Code for Schools
Will it take a massive increase in instances of AIDS infection to wake brethren up concerning the shamelessness manifested in the way many Christians dress? Will we wait to be led by the world to do that which the Bible so clearly teaches? Not if we walk by faith (2 Cor. 5:7).
Contending for the Faith: Correspondence with a Charismatic
Jesus did not think that our private worship was “far more important” than our understanding of certain doctrines. He did not teach that “worshiping him privately” “is far more important” than our public doctrines or teachings. He said that when we draw near to him (whether privately or publicly) and we do so while keeping our own human traditions, that our worship is “in vain,” void [Matt. 15:8, 9, 13, 14; Cf. 7:21-27].
White Unto Harvest: They Sent Him
Certainly churches should carefully consider who they support and where they send those they do support. However, the argument that a church can not send a preacher to a church in some place, especially in a mission field, is clearly not in harmony with the New Testament. We should beware lest false arguments hinder us in carrying out the great commission in our day (Mk. 16:15-16).
Voices from the Past: The Christian and Controversy (Clinton Hamilton)
Are you a “non-controversialist” or are you a faithful brother or sister who earnestly contends for the faith (Jude 3)? What about the preacher and elders where you worship? Do they “by sound doctrine…convict those who contradict” (Titus 1:9)? Do they stop the mouths of those who “subvert” the truth (Titus 1:11)? If not, why not? If not, they are failing in their duties and need to repent (Acts 20:28-32; 2 Tim. 4:2-5). If they refuse to repent, then one of two things should be done: (1) either the elders need to be removed from office and/or the preacher fired; (2) or you should find a group of faithful Christians with which to work and worship.
Evidences of Faith: Another Concern in the “Age of Earth” Discussion
Brethren, we must teach the “whole counsel of God”, not just what we decide to emphasize. Some think that since “the apostolic message gives a special position (‘first importance’) to the incarnation, death, burial, resurrection, baptismal submission to and disciplinary imitation of Christ”. That other Bible doctrines are not that important to the faith and therefore must be abandoned when they offend others or when others cannot reconcile them with human wisdom. I’m sorry but “all scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Tim. 3:16) and “has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?” (1 Cor. 1:20).
Positive Reader Responses: Open Letter
Reader Responses to the Open Letter: The following readers of Watchman Magazine have made known their agreement with the principles espoused in the Open Letter…
Maurice Barnett’s Response to Tom Couchman
It is granted that Bible words, like all language, have several meanings. In some places, “day” may mean an extended period of time, but not in every place. To even imply that because “day” may mean, in some passages, an extended period of time, then it may mean that in Genesis one, is to say something that is untrue. That’s just throwing up a smoke screen.
Tom Couchman’s Response to the Open Letter
A response taking issue with the writing and message of the Open Letter to Florida College, penned by Tom Couchman.
My Position on Isaiah 7:14 and the Creation Controversy
In the past several weeks I have been asked on several different occasions by various brethren to explain my personal motivation for having a part in its writing and ultimately putting my signature to the letter. Perhaps there are others who still are curious about my own specific reasons for doing so, since it is apparent to them from the past that I have had a special affinity for Florida College and a particular affection for many of the teachers and workers who function at the institution.
Harry Osborne’s Personal Chronology of Events
This is a chronology of the events leading up to the current issues regarding the interpretation of the creation account as I know them. Since I can only attest to the things I personally know from firsthand experience, I have limited the chronology to actions I can document. For this reason, the chronology centers on my actions in this matter.
Harry Osborne’s Response to Caldwell
Harry Osborne’s response to Colly Caldwell’s letter and statement
The President’s Position
The following statements reflect firm convictions of the President of Florida College and uncompromising expectations concerning instruction regarding these matters at this institution of higher learning. It also articulates what we have all committed ourselves to at Florida College from its beginning and what we will continue to teach.
A Response to the Open Letter (Caldwell)
C.G. “Colly” Caldwell’s Letter of June 30, 2000, mailed to the Co-Signers of the Open Letter, published from Harry Osborne’s copy of the letter
An Open Letter: The Creation Account and Florida College
The following lines represent an open letter to brethren Hill Roberts, Shane Scott, the Bible faculty and administration of Florida College, with particular reference to…
The Churches of Christ in the 20th Century; Homer Hailey’s Personal Journey of Faith
It is disappointing to see a historian of Ed’s caliber show such a lack of objectivity and be so obviously biased against the truth as he is in the above reviewed chapter. All in all, in spite of Ed’s other writings which influenced this reader’s view of the above reviewed chapter, brother Harrell has authored a book that is worth reading.
The Social Gospel
The church needs to address the needs of man, and be an agency of change to benefit mankind. And it can and will do so as long as it fulfills the call of God to preach the Word. The power is the gospel, and it alone is “relevant” to the eternal needs of sinful man.
Some Old Saws — Same Old Saws
The present condition among the conservative brethren bears remarkable resemblance to previous episodes of innovation. Those who are trying to sell the unity in diversity bill of goods are using the same old saws we always hear at such a time as this.
The 14 Camels of Romans 14
My beloved brethren, we must harmonize all scripture (2 Tim. 2:15) to distinguish the colossal difference between how matters of personal faith (Rom. 14) and matters of the faith (Jude 3) are to be handled, unless we can swallow camels.