Category: Law
Subject: Law
The Law Code of Hammurabi
While the code of Hammurabi and the Mosaic Law may have some similarities between them regarding civil matters, it cannot be said that they were derived from the same source. The Mosaic Law goes so much further in developing an order and a people convicted of the things that the Lord has commanded them. To say that Moses copied from the code of Hammurabi betrays an ignorance of the purposes of the two laws.
The concept of obedience to law is rather controversial among the religious today. Because of the Holy Spirit’s teaching regarding the Law of Moses, as contrasted with salvation by Grace through Faith, some equate the idea of obedience to God’s law with the concept of meriting salvation. This is not so.
"What is Written … How Readest Thou?": An Amoral Basis for Law – It Won’t Work!
As Nineveh of old repented at the preaching of Jonah, let us unashamedly and boldly proclaim the standard of righteousness and call upon our people and leaders to repent! The destruction of any nation that sanctions immorality is certain. It may already be too late, but it is certainly not too early to let our voices and votes be heard! If we remain silent and inactive, what kind of society will we leave for our children and grandchildren?
"What is Written … How Readest Thou?": The Inward Conflict – Who Is Described?
There is deliverance available, not by submitting to the dominion of the flesh, but by submitting to the Lordship of Jesus as an obedient servant of righteousness who has found newness of life in Christ.
No Law
Neo Calvinists believe that under the new covenant, man is not constrained by law.
Voices from the Past: “The Perfect Law of Liberty” (Cecil Willis)
It is a wonderful and blessed thought to know that we can be free from bondage to Satan and sin. When one obeys from the heart “that form [pattern] of doctrine,” then he will no longer be a slave to the devil, but a servant of Christ (Romans 6:16-17).
Discussion on the New Law
Most people agree that the sermon on the mount is one of the most eloquent and profound sermons ever, if not the most eloquent and profound. We can learn numerous lessons concerning that which is good and right. The question has arisen, however, “Is the sermon on the mount a clarification of the Law of Moses or is it the Lord’s preparation for the kingdom which was yet to come?” We deny the former and affirm the latter. Yet, there are those who disagree with us and say that the sermon is just Jesus’ attempt to set the Jews straight on the real meaning of the Law of Moses. Is this true? Can the argument be sustained? Let us investigate.
“Not Under the Law, But Under Grace” (Romans 6:14)
No one will seek for mercy and forgiveness until and unless one pleads guilty to the indictment of God’s law which pronounces us as sinners, violators of His law. The condemnation of the law should prepare us with heartfelt desire for the cleansing of the blood of Jesus and the forgiveness and pardon which our Heavenly Father offers us in the good news, the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ (Isaiah 55:6-7; Romans 1:16-17; 3:19-28; 4:20-25; 5:9-10). Grace abounds by forgiving us of all sins – all as to kind(s) and all as to number(s).
Who Are the Pharisees?
The Bible plainly shows that the central error of the Pharisees was their supplanting of God’s word with their human traditions. Now, as we examine some claims being made in our time regarding modern “Pharisaism”, we ask the question, “Who are the Pharisees today?”
Are God’s Laws Too Hard?
God’s word reveals that we are to “count the cost.” (Luke 14:25-33) of serving Him. The cost is our all; our everything (Matthew 10:34-39). If we do not give up everything to him, we are not worthy of Him. There is no relationship, no belief, or circumstance that will allow us to say that His will is too much! Christ is our life and we shall surely know that it was worth it all in serving Him.
Is the Law of God Understandable?
My friends, we are going to be judged by the Law of God. We cannot blame God because we are dull of hearing or because we say that His Word is beyond our ability to grasp. It is ME, not God, who is responsible to know the Truth and be made free. Every one of us are responsible to have our “…senses exercised to discern good and evil” (Hebrews 5:14).
The Gentiles and the Law of Conscience (Romans 2:12-16)
If all men (including alien sinners) are under the law of Christ, then all men (including aliens) are under Christ’s law on marriage, divorce and remarriage (Matt. 19:9). That would mean that those who violate that law (by putting their mate away and marrying another) are living in adultery.
Old Testament Law (The Law Given for Israel’s Good)
The Law of Moses was and is good. All things given by God are good (Js. 1:17). He did not make an evil covenant full of flaws and imperfections. Christ Himself did not come to destroy the Law, but to fulfill the Messianic prophecies and to fulfill it by keeping the Law perfectly (Mt. 5:17,18). True, the Old Testament is not valid for Christians today, but that does not mean it is of no value to New Testament Christians. Thank God for all of the inspired scriptures!
More Than Just a Love Letter
No one can earn his salvation for only sinless perfection would merit such a reward. The very first sin one commits makes it forever absolutely impossible for him to earn his salvation. A hundred good works cannot alone wash away a single sin. The grace of God, however, appears to all men as an offer of mercy washed in the blood of His own dear Son. Attention to the commands of the New Testament does not earn one his salvation but brings him into contact with the free gift he could never merit on his own (Romans 6:23).
God’s Rules Have Reasons
Yes, God’s wants people to enjoy this life, from the young to the old. We need to remember, though, that there is a judgment coming for all of us, and God has a reason for that (Eccl. 11:9-10; Rom. 2:16; 2 Cor. 5:10; etc.)! God’s rules have reasons, and it is high time that we respect His laws and follow them. How much better this world would be, both physically and spiritually, if we simply followed the Lord’s will.
Theme Editorial: The Law of the Lord is Good
We hear today (as in ancient times) of those who moan from being “restricted” by God’s law, of being burdened by precepts too heavy to be borne, of “kicking against the goad.” The law is seen as interfering with “freedom,” as too narrow, as too demanding, as too unloving, as onerous.