Category: Judging
Subject: Judging
Qualified and Disqualified Preachers
Gospel preachers are in the public spotlight and that is exactly where God wants his faithful ministers. Sermons are delivered in the most public manner. …
What Can I Eat?
Food is for the body and the body for food. The edicts of man restricting the eating of certain foods on certain days is self imposed religion which is futile and vain because it elevates the ideas to be doctrine.
"What Is Written … How Readest Thou?": Is Our Judgment Righteous or Unrighteous?
The problem is that some people live by one rule, but judge others by a more stringent rule than that imposed upon themselves. The Bible speaks of such a practice and clearly condemns it.
In the Steps of the Savior: “Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged”
When we contrast the actions of Paul and Peter in Galatians 2:11-14, we see the difference between right and wrong judging. Peter acted through hypocrisy on this occasion and stood condemned. Paul rightly rebuked him for such hypocrisy. Paul could effectively do this because he was not acting with the same hypocrisy as was Peter.