Category: Gambling
Subject: Gambling
"What is Written … How Readest Thou?": You Bet You Lose!
Think about the place of government ordained by God and it really becomes very simple (Romans 13:1-7). Does God desire the government that He ordained as “a minister of God to thee for good” to raise money through the same means that organized crime has used for years? Or does He expect a higher standard from those whom He authorized to praise good and avenge evil? That is the bottom line! When we seek for God’s answer to the question, we will see that gambling is not an effort approved by God for gamblers or the bookmaker — whether organized by the Mafia or the government.
Walking Worthy: Drawing Lines
It is neither our privilege nor right to draw arbitrary lines for others, in the absence of a sure edict from God. When God has drawn lines, however, we ought to observe them and uphold them and make them pleasant, for they are not burdensome compared to the weight of the cross upon our Lord’s back (Romans 7:22, 1 John 5:3).
The Simple Gospel: Gambling
Gambling is now legalized in twenty-six states. This figure will no doubt, increase in the near future. As the problem increases so does our responsibility to deal with it.
The Foolishness of Preaching Morality
Are we living for God as we ought? Do we appreciate what God has said about these moral issues that come up from day to day? Yes, the Bible is a relevant book, and yes, God’s word has meaning for us today. Woe to anyone who thinks otherwise! Regardless of how “foolish” men think it is, it is our responsibility to preach and promote God’s word to a lost and dying world.
Editorial: Playing Powerball! Is It Sinful?
The lottery is already causing problems in the Lord’s church. Some who profess to be a children of God are beginning to press the point, asking, “What is wrong with playing the lottery? What possible harm could come from it?” There is no possible way to justify playing the lottery! There is no possible justification for any type of gambling, even if it is sponsored by the state. It doesn’t matter if it is buying one ticket, or buying 1,000. It doesn’t matter if you can afford it or not. It is sin!