Category: Fellowship

Subject: Fellowship

Posted in Defense of Truth Doctrinal Error Doctrine Fellowship Subject Index Unity

The Simple Gospel: Doctrinal Unity

Is it possible to have unity in doctrinal matters? It is increasingly proclaimed that we cannot all believe the same things and practice the same things in doctrine. Thus, the need for “unity in diversity.” What used to be a voice from ultra-liberalism has now become a common theme among more conservative brethren. “We cannot have unity in doctrine; the only unity we can have is unity in Christ.”

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Posted in Associate Editorials Defense of Truth Dissensions Diversity Fellowship Subject Index Unity

Associate Editorial: Unity In Diversity

A “red flag” of warning should arise every time we hear some call for “unity in diversity.” Some have even said that the “only kind of unity is unity in diversity.” We need to be very sure we understand what this catch-phrase really means and how it is used.

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Posted in Associate Editorials Fellowship Subject Index

Associate Editorial: 2 John 9

A basic fallacy in the current “unity movement” is a denial of what 2 John 9 teaches in limiting our tolerance of error. When one seeks to limit this passage to a single application (re: the nature of Jesus), it is but a short step into the “new unity movement.” And not a few seem to be taking that step!

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Posted in Fellowship Holidays Subject Index

Romans 14 and Days

An individual is at liberty to make special use of any day (esteem, or show a preference above another) for study, meditation, and prayer, in addition to the Lord’s day (the first day of the week). He may esteem Sunday as the day in which to refrain from all secular work and play for the entirety of the day. But he is not at liberty to so use a day as to violate the law of Christ, nor to bind the practice upon others.

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Posted in Fellowship Subject Index Truth Unity

Voices from the Past: Students and Today’s Issues (C.G. "Colly Caldwell, III)

It is our hope that men will judge between right and wrong doctrines and practices, in “today’s issues” and all others. Likewise, we wish for all to believe truth matters. It is not simply “important” to salvation, but absolutely essential, and those who oppose it are enemies of the cross of Christ.

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Posted in False Teachers Fellowship Subject Index

Guarding the Guardian

An “umbrella” of protection is being used today to protect those who are false teachers. Some, like Ed Harrell are advocating the acceptance of the “man” in fellowship while rejecting his doctrine. He stated he did not agree with brother Hailey’s position on MDR but could continue to fellowship him as a faithful servant of God. He is not alone in this. This is despite the plain teaching of John in 2 John 9-11, as quoted above. John states clearly if the man does not bring the “doctrine” of Christ to you, do not receive him into your house and if you do, you become a partaker of his evil deed. Can it be any clearer than that?

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Posted in Controversy Creation False Teachers Fellowship Subject Index

Does It Really Matter? (Days of Creation and Fellowship)

The teaching of the earth being created in millions of years instead of six literal (24 hour) days as the Bible teaches is false teaching and will overthrow the faith of many. Some scientists understand that the Bible teaches six literal (24 hour) days and that is one of the reasons they don’t believe the Bible. Unbelievers can understand the Bible better on this point of creation than some of our own brethren. This is a serious matter and what makes it even more serious are those who are willing to compromise the Bible on this matter. We need prayer and true study and dialogue on this matter.

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Posted in Fellowship Love Subject Index

Voices from the Past: The Real Meaning of Love (H.E. Phillips)

Some brethren are weak and unwilling to take a stand, a firm stand, for what is right and true. These the Lord wants to vomit out (Rev. 3:15-16). We need men and women who have true love for the Lord and their brethren, and are uncompromising. We need those who are willing to stand in the face of overwhelming opposition, men and women of faith, ready to make a sacrifice for the Lamb of God as they stand like a lion (Heb. 11:32-40). Will you be one of these?

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Posted in Fellowship MDR Subject Index

The Churches of Christ in the 20th Century; Homer Hailey’s Personal Journey of Faith

It is disappointing to see a historian of Ed’s caliber show such a lack of objectivity and be so obviously biased against the truth as he is in the above reviewed chapter. All in all, in spite of Ed’s other writings which influenced this reader’s view of the above reviewed chapter, brother Harrell has authored a book that is worth reading.

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Posted in Fellowship Romans 14 Subject Index

The 14 Camels of Romans 14

My beloved brethren, we must harmonize all scripture (2 Tim. 2:15) to distinguish the colossal difference between how matters of personal faith (Rom. 14) and matters of the faith (Jude 3) are to be handled, unless we can swallow camels.

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Posted in Authority Fellowship Subject Index Truth

The Simple Gospel: The Word of Christ

Brethren, more and more we will find ourselves on an “island” in our appeal to truth. However, we should heed the apostle Paul, and diligently strive to “let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom.”

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Posted in Fellowship Romans 14 Subject Index

Romans 14: It’s the Context

The Holy Spirit drew a line in the sand around Romans 14 by confining its application of tolerance to matters of authorized liberty. The call today is to push that line out into the realm of matters of the faith. The proponents of this interpretation are claiming to be very reasonable and restrained, promising that this tolerance of doctrinal diversity will never go so far as to cover matters like denominationalism, baptism and instrumental music. Surely they cannot envision such a thing, but should their children and grandchildren ever insert consistency into their arguments, all such matters will have to be placed into the reconstructed Romans 14. If this doctrine fits, why doesn t this one, Daddy? If your issue fits, why doesn t mine, Grandpa?

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Posted in Apostasy Authority Defense of Truth Denominationalism Division Doctrinal Error Fellowship Institutionalism Subject Index

Controversy in History

Note how that in nearly every generation issues have arisen and often have reoccurred. So, repeated teaching is necessary for each generation, in order to avoid falling victim to apostasies. All of these “neo”, or new, movements, and doctrines, reflected the rebellion of men against established authority, and opened the door for more and greater departures from the apostolic order of things. Many in the brotherhood are fast on the road to classic modernism.

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Posted in Editorials Fellowship Subject Index

Editorial: A Response to “Cast Out From Among You”

We have heard it so many times, in so many ways. Brother so-and-so is a faithful man. He has preached for so many years. No one has ever doubted his integrity or his stand for truth. All of that may be so. (And by the way, it is wrong to equate the exposure of false doctrine with an attack on an individual’s integrity). The question is, is he standing for truth, or teaching error? The discussion must be on the issue of truth, not on the integrity of any man. Note what the Lord said in Ezekiel 18:24, “But when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live? All the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; because of the unfaithfulness of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed, because of them he shall die.”

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Posted in Fellowship Subject Index

Cast Out From Among You

So in answer to the question about who I will fellowship: I will fellowship everyone, those who are like myself and those who are different from myself, those which I can agree with and those I must disagree with, the people who love me and the people who hate me, the strong Christian with convictions and the weak Christian with doubts, the wise and the fool. I will love all people, have mercy and generosity upon their sin and error, and praise and honor them for their virtue and truth. I will draw no lines, maintain no boundaries, close no doors and never betray my love for the truth.

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Posted in Doctrinal Error Fellowship MDR Subject Index Unity

Charts: Divorce, Remarriage and Fellowship

Charts: Lesson 6 (Divorce, Remarriage and Fellowship)

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Posted in Doctrinal Error Fellowship MDR Subject Index Unity

Divorce, Remarriage and Fellowship

A myth has been promoted in many areas about God’s teaching on marriage, divorce and remarriage (mdr) that it is too difficult to understand, that there is a lack of clarity concerning it, and that there are so many divergent views none can be sure about the actual truth. This is fallacious and a charge against the integrity of the inspired message of God. The Holy Spirit speaks to reveal, not conceal; to edify, not confuse; to unify, not divide. God has revealed the whole truth (Jn. 14; 16); it is understandable (Eph. 3:4; John 8:32), and we are foolish if we don’t understand it (Eph. 5:17).

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Posted in Doctrinal Error Fellowship Subject Index Unity

Charts: Is Doctrinal Unity Possible?

Charts of Lesson 5: Is Doctrinal Unity Possible?

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Posted in Doctrinal Error Fellowship Subject Index Truth Unity

Is Doctrinal Unity Possible?

What saith the scriptures? For generations, we have approached our denominational neighbors with the intent of sharing New Testament Christianity with them. As we have surveyed the division that is characteristic both philosophically and practically of sectarianism, we have told them of a better way. We refer to the unity that is in Christ, manifest by the Spirit, and guided by the inspired message (Eph. 4:1-6). We are not the first to believe and work for doctrinal unity based upon faith in Jesus Christ and the finality of scripture as the supreme court of our faith and practice.

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Posted in Calvinism Doctrinal Error Fellowship Gospel/Doctrine Subject Index Unity

Charts: Understanding Christ and the Church (Gospel and Doctrine)

Charts for Lesson 4: Understanding Christ and the Church (Gospel and Doctrine)

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