Category: Faithfulness
Subject: Faithfulness
David, The Meek King of Israel
Guilt and shame have their proper work in our lives yet they can be great obstacles to overcome. Guilt is good to experience and a…
How are People Saved? A Study of Galatians 3
The question, “How are people saved from the consequences of their sins,” is answered in Galatians chapter 3. God revealed to Abraham that justification is…
Timeless Truths in an Ever-Changing World
There is no doubt that we live in a world of change, but God is the one constant in this world. He is Creator of all, Lord of all, and Judge of all. Man’s departure from the truth and unwillingness to acknowledge the sovereignty of God does not change anything about God. God’s moral law is just as fixed as His natural law. He will judge us one day.
In Reference to Modest Dress, Are We Binding The Old Testament?
All Christians should consider the nature of biblical teaching. While it is true that we are not subject to the Old Testament as law to govern our lives today, there is much that we can learn from its pages. It indeed was “written for our learning” (Romans 15:4). When we look to the Old Testament to help us to better understand God’s definitions and the requirements he has given us in this covenant, we are not “binding the Old Law” but rather we are “rightly dividing the word of truth” ( 2 Timothy 2:15).
"Are You On the Guerdon of the Lord?"
He said, “Well, Brother Hedge was asking you if you were on the Lord’s side.” Dad, a lover of words his whole life also added that guerdon was a very old Germanic/French word that probably refers to the reward a knight received from his lord for his military service. The spiritual application of this was to learn if I was the Lord’s man or not.
The Simple Gospel: What to be in 2005
It’s that time of year again, when millions make New Year’s resolutions — with many breaking them within the first week of the New Year. Resolutions are not bad. Making goals is a helpful way to achieve the improvements we wish to make in our lives. They need to be realistic and possible.
Lessons from Terror
May God help us as we strive to cope with these present problems. May we humbly turn to God and submit to Him in all things. May this wake some up out of their spiritual slumber (Romans 13:11) and may many become Christians before it is too late (2 Corinthians 6:2).
Solid Food: Joining Jesus Outside the Camp
There is safety and popular acceptance in the camp of sin, but courage and faith require us to go out to Jesus and stand by his side no matter what. Are you ready for that?
Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness
Sadly, far too many Christians have an evaporating faith as stated in Hosea 6:4: “O Ephraim, what shall I do to you? O Judah, what shall I do to you? For your faithfulness is like a morning cloud, And like the early dew it goes away.” But this does not have to be the case. Let’s strive to have a greater and stronger faithfulness to our God. So, how do we develop this greater and stronger faith? Basically, by studying the word of God and applying it to our lives in every way (not just the areas we want).