Category: Factions
Subject: Factions
Distinguishing Private from Public Sin
What’s the difference between being wayward and being a false teacher? The beer drinker is sinning for sure, but he sins without directly involving another person in his sin. It’s possible he may even admit that he’s sinning and should quit. The false teacher, on the other hand, defends the drinker in his sin and causes other Christians to drink or to approve of drinking (Romans 1:32).
Works of the Flesh: Selfish Ambitions
Strange indeed it is that the Bible prescribes unity, but we often practice division; It teaches brotherly love and we often practice brotherly hate; it demands truth but we often practice falsehood; the Bible places Christ preeminent in all things (Colossians 1:18), but some brother want to be the center of attention; it says we should have the same care one for another, but we often have parties, clicks and politics; we are to have elders that rule well, but we often have elders that rule from hell.