Category: Elders
Subject: Elders
Deacons – Their Qualifications and Work
Deacons are an important part of the Lord’s church. These men are not in a leadership role, neither is their office simply that of a figurehead. They are servants of the church.
Shall We Have Elders?
Let me say clearly from the beginning that there is biblical example for elders. In Paul’s letter to Titus Paul wrote, For this reason I left you in Crete, that you should set in order the things that are lacking, and appoint elders in every city as I commanded you (Titus 1:5). The indication here is that one of the things that was lacking was the absence of elders. This is also an indication that a church can function without elders; it is just lacking. In Titus 1:6-9 and 1 Timothy 3:1-7 Paul gives the young preachers the qualifications for elders. Why would Jesus gives us these qualifications if we do not need or cannot have elders today?
The Eldership in the Lord’s Church
Far better to have a church “unorganized scripturally” without elders that to have one that is “unscripturally organized” with men serving as elders who do not meet the things laid down by the Holy Spirit. My dear reader, I only ask that you study this short article on a subject that needs close study.
Third Negative
Proposition 2: The Scriptures teach that the elders of a local church are authorized to assemble privately to make decisions in matters of judgment for the local church before and without calling together the whole congregation.
Third Affirmative
Proposition 2: The Scriptures teach that the elders of a local church are authorized to assemble privately to make decisions in matters of judgment for the local church before and without calling together the whole congregation.
Second Negative
Proposition 2: The Scriptures teach that the elders of a local church are authorized to assemble privately to make decisions in matters of judgment for the local church before and without calling together the whole congregation.
Second Affirmative
Proposition 2: The Scriptures teach that the elders of a local church are authorized to assemble privately to make decisions in matters of judgment for the local church before and without calling together the whole congregation.
First Negative
Proposition 2: The Scriptures teach that the elders of a local church are authorized to assemble privately to make decisions in matters of judgment for the local church before and without calling together the whole congregation.
First Affirmative
Proposition 2: The Scriptures teach that the elders of a local church are authorized to assemble privately to make decisions in matters of judgment for the local church before and without calling together the whole congregation.
The Rule of Elders: A Review of Dale Smelser’s Teaching
I am sure I join with everyone in wishing for consensus of opinion on all matters in all churches. However, the material question here is this: Is consensus necessary in order for a church to act in any matter? We answer in the negative in light of the apostles’ actions in Acts 6:3. They decided first and then told the brethren their decision.
The Work of Elders
To use the metaphor of the shepherd and his sheep, elders must always remember that the sheep are entrusted to their stewardship and care for a short time. We must always remain vigilant for those precious souls. To encourage and train the weak, to teach the strong to help others, and develop the next generation of teachers, evangelists, and elders is one of the finest and most awesome responsibilities a Christian can have on this earth.