Category: Denominationalism
Subject: Denominationalism
Attend the Church of Your Choice
We can not agree with the appeal to “attend the church of your choice.” It is our conviction that the church that Jesus built in the first century is the only church that the Lord will recognize as His own today. This church can not be found by tracing history, or by a majority vote (i.e., the church with the largest membership), but rather by looking at the pattern of the church that is set forth in the New Testament. Denominations divide believers by subscribing to creeds, councils, catechisms, and conventions. We simply try to follow the teachings of the Bible alone. Until we can find different kinds of churches in the Bible we can not encourage men to attend the church of their choice.
The Titles of Clergy: Are Gospel Preachers Pastors?
Let us consider the issue of gospel preachers being called by denominational titles. A perennial problem for gospel preachers who are “located preachers” is the tendency of ignorant people to call them pastors. It is not usually an evil intent they are displaying, but what they really show is denominational influence when they use this title. However, we all need to be quick to remember there is no clergy/laity class differentiation in the Bible as there is widely evident in the religions man has invented; the denominations.
No Other Name: Christian Exclusivism in an Pluralistic World
While many nominal Christians might be ready to jettison any claim to an exclusive source of abiding truth and salvation, the Bible is hardly the document to support such a surrender.
In the New Testament of Jesus Christ, a universal claim for both Jehovah and his redeemer son is emphatically made. Even if one should made the case that Jehovah, Allah, the Great Spirit and every other divine iteration are all really the same, the problem remains, “Then what shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ” (Matthew 27:22, ESV)?
Why I Am Not Called "Reverend" or "Pastor"
The work of an evangelist is a good work (II Timothy 2:21), but is not deserving of a special title or any reverence above other men. By doing the work of an evangelist I am only promised one thing and that is the same thing as those who hear me; salvation (2 Timothy 4:16).
Scripture Studies: Does Your Preacher Lie to You?
The Old Testament tells us about a preacher (prophet) who lied to a younger man (1 Kings 13). The lie was told in all good conscience. It was told with the intent of helping the young man (1 Kings 13:11-19). The young man believed the lie, benefited in an earthly way, but ended up losing his life (1 Kings 13:20-28). Thus, we know that religious leaders will sometimes tell a lie with the best intentions. We also know that religious followers will sometimes believe a lie.
The Simple Gospel: Historical Abuses of Authority
Each apostasy had as its core a rejection of the authority of God’s word. Had there been a fidelity to the principles established in the New Testament, such innovations and changes would not have occurred. This is an important lesson to us today. Brethren, unless we understand the nature of biblical authority and apply it to all aspects of our lives, we are in danger of suffering the same fate.
Contending for the Faith: Answering a Baptist Preacher’s ‘Unanswerable Questions’
Larry Ray Hafley answers from the scriptures questions asked by a Baptist Preacher.
So many claim to love Jesus, and yet they work and worship with religious organizations whose origin and creeds are from men. These churches do not do the work of the Lord, and they do not respect the authority of Christ. They are self-willed and presumptuous in their teaching and practice. Jesus said, “If you love Me, keep My commandments” (John 14:15).
Contending for the Faith: Baptist Homosexual Dilemma
Since “The Austin Baptist Association” voted to “oust” “University Baptist” because they ordained a “gay deacon,” we know that Baptists cannot plead that they are “non-judgmental.” So, we want to know if a thing is bad enough to get a church kicked out of “The Austin Baptist Association,” is it bad enough to keep one from heaven (1 Peter 2:11)? Some Baptist needs to tell us.
Voices from the Past: Identifying the Gospel Preacher (Bond Stocks)
I am a preacher, a minister of Christ, and an evangelist; but I am not a pastor; I am not a clergyman; I am not a “Father”; and I am not a “Reverend.” I am a gospel preacher in exactly the same sense that Paul was; I preach the same gospel he preached; I preach no other. Paul declared that he had been appointed a “preacher” of the gospel of Christ (1 Timothy 2:7; 2 Timothy 1:11).
Controversy in History
Note how that in nearly every generation issues have arisen and often have reoccurred. So, repeated teaching is necessary for each generation, in order to avoid falling victim to apostasies. All of these “neo”, or new, movements, and doctrines, reflected the rebellion of men against established authority, and opened the door for more and greater departures from the apostolic order of things. Many in the brotherhood are fast on the road to classic modernism.
Queries and Explications: A Baptist on Jeremiah 6:16
As noted earlier, Mr. Cryer said, “Some are telling folks that if they get baptized they are saved. The ‘water baptism path’ is a lie straight from the pits of Hell.” Mr. Cryer, if a Baptist preacher were to preach the very words of Jesus, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved,” would it be “a lie straight from the pits of Hell”? If not, what would it be? If a Baptist preacher told sinners to “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,” would that be “a lie straight from the pits of Hell”? If not, what would it be?
Editorial: A Final Exchange with David Matthews
Paul defended the truth against the Judaizing teachers of his day. In doing so, he did not establish a creed; he defended the truth. Peter refuted the Gnostics and in doing so had nothing to do with the establishment of a creed. When men today defend the truth of God against false teachers, they are not establishing a creed. They are defending the truth. It is amazing to me that those who hold the truth on the institutional issues are the ones today accused of creed making. It is the advocate of that false doctrine who has introduced a doctrine from man, not the defender of truth.
Editorial: Slandering the Brethren? (A Review)
I find it interesting that as the call to tolerance, understanding and compromise increases, God’s people become ever more splintered by false doctrines and “new things.” It seems that today about the only “intolerable” thing is to be intolerant. While some may disagree on doctrine and practice, they will still accept and praise one another so long as they themselves are tolerated. We need less toleration for error, not more. We need militance, not compromise. We need a true love for the souls of men which leads to the condemnation of sin, not sugary sweet tolerance “lest we offend.”
Slandering the Denominations
Christians must regard no individual, publication or institution as perfect or a reliable defender of the truth. By doing all these, Christians will progress beyond the present sad state of division and carnality which characterizes our communication with others.
Voices from the Past: The Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery (With Introduction)
We plead with those who have been caught up in the religious error of men to depart from it and begin to follow the New Testament pattern in all things. Rid yourself of unholy names (Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, etc.); disassociate yourself from the related unauthorized bodies; obey the gospel of Christ in faith, repentance, confession, and baptism (Jn. 3:16; Acts 3:19; Romans 10:9-10; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38); take the name Christian (Acts 11:26); and join in with a group of disciples (the church of Christ) who are working and worshipping according to the truth (Acts 9:26-28; Romans 16:16).