Category: Creation
Subject: Creation
Editorial: Artificial Intelligence – Evidence of Design
Scientists pour millions of man hours into a project designed to, in some limited way, mimic man’s emotions and intellect. These same scientists deny a Designer in the original. This shows them to have a prejudiced mind. Too often Christians fear the so-called knowledge of the “experts.” We are intimidated by the terminology, ill-prepared to counter the bold assertions, and cowed by the letters behind the names. Rather, we should see such men who rail against the revelation of God as ineffectual children who “won’t see it” because they refuse to “open their eyes.”
Moses and the Days of Creation
God’s creation was not done in several ways, therefore, we cannot choose any way that satisfies us and still be right in God’s eyes. It was done one way, and only one way; to say otherwise is to refuse to sanctify God in the eyes of man.
Does It Really Matter? (Days of Creation and Fellowship)
The teaching of the earth being created in millions of years instead of six literal (24 hour) days as the Bible teaches is false teaching and will overthrow the faith of many. Some scientists understand that the Bible teaches six literal (24 hour) days and that is one of the reasons they don’t believe the Bible. Unbelievers can understand the Bible better on this point of creation than some of our own brethren. This is a serious matter and what makes it even more serious are those who are willing to compromise the Bible on this matter. We need prayer and true study and dialogue on this matter.
Ron Lloyd’s Letter to Colley Caldwell
Ron Lloyd dedicated his life to speaking the truth. A soldier has now fallen, and a good man rests from his labors. Yet, brother Lloyd’s influence remains. Through this letter, he being dead yet speaketh. In this day of compromise and accommodation, may faithful brethren everywhere be encouraged to stand for the truth.
Evidences of Faith: The Universe and the History of Man
Hebrews 11:3 says “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God.” The word “framed” comes from katartidzo which means “to make perfect,” “to furnish completely.” We must conclude that the universe, as God created it, was perfect for what He intended, even to declaring his power and divinity, Romans 1:18-23. The testimony of inspiration is that God only had to “speak” what He wanted and it happened. It was framed “by the word of God.” Genesis one simply records that “God said” and it was so.
“Making Sense of the Days of Creation”
Brother Ferrell Jenkins gave the above lecture in the Puckett auditorium as part of this year’s lecture series. This writer was in attendance to hear this lecture. Later that same evening, I had the opportunity to talk with Ferrell about it, differing with some of the things he had said. When the lecture was later transcribed I wrote an informal review of it which was circulated via e-mail. This review led to a brief exchange of posts with brother Jenkins via e-mail. In all of my dealings with Ferrell, Ferrell has been kind and I certainly have no axe to grind with him personally. It is simply a case of his speech deserving a more formal review because of its implications on matters troubling brethren today.
Evidences of Faith: Days of Genesis 1 (“How Readest Thou”)
Regarding the current controversy concerning “the days of Genesis 1,” let us ask, “How readest thou?” Are the days referred to literal days, or are they long ages of time as evolutionists theorize? Let us cite a portion of the text, and ask, “How readest thou?”
Open Letter: Creed, Council, or Expression of Concern?
An institutional defense mechanism often sets in with a college to justify its practice at all cost. It was done by Lipscomb in the issue over church support of colleges. It was done by Abilene Christian University in the issue over theistic evolution in their midst. It was even done by Florida College when brother Hailey’s error was exposed. At that time, the administration attacked those who exposed brother Hailey’s error while saying precious little to fight it. When our critics fail to rebuke the error to the source and warn all others about it, all will know that their real agenda differs from their stated reason.
Hill Robert’s Response To Our Open Letter (King)
Again I will say that it is easy to understand how the events of the sixth day of a 144 hour week might be viewed as ‘the beginning of creation’; but it is difficult indeed to see how man’s creation 15-20 billion years after the original creation might in any sense be called ‘the beginning.’ The Lord said it was at the beginning of creation. Brother Roberts’ view is that it was near the end. I will leave the reader to judge who is right. But with all due respect, I will place my faith in the words of my Lord.
Response by Hill Roberts to the Open Letter
Heeding good advice, ordinarily I would not respond to such a letter. Such attacks bring me no harm. However, because I am being used as a means by which to attack and attempt to bring real harm on others, I must now respond. I offer these blunt comments in hopes of exposing and defeating this weak and ungodly attack on Florida College staff and other godly men who are busy preaching the Word.
A Public Letter to Ferrell Jenkins (Mayberry)
Brother Jenkins, please accept these words in the spirit of love in which they were written. I have sought to follow Paul’s admonition in 1st Timothy 1:5, which says, “Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father.” This has been my only goal. I remain your friend and devoted former student. I shall never forget the many ways in which you have helped me.
Response to Ferrell Jenkins (Haile)
I wrote, “Let’s be consistent, brethren. It is ‘inexcusable’ to practice the very thing that you condemn in others” (Rom. 2:1). Brother Jenkins has complained about his treatment by others. Perhaps it is time for brother Jenkins to look in the mirror. His entire article was nothing but a witch-hunt for inconsistencies and an effort to use those alleged inconsistencies to pit good brother against brother.
Observations on the Article by Brother Ferrell Jenkins (Reeves)
Parents are not sending their children to Florida College in order that they might hear different “views” or “options” concerning Bible doctrines, without any denunciation or refutation of that which is false. They are sending them, in particular as respects the Bible courses, to be taught the truth, while also learning to recognize false doctrine on certain Bible subjects.
Connie W. Adams, Shane Scott, Tim Haile… (Jenkins)
Connie W. Adams, Shane Scott, Tim Haile, Miracles, Truth Magazine, and the CD (Editor’s Note: Brother Bill H. Reeves reviews this article with his article…
A Rejoinder of Lamenation (Osborne)
The ultimate end of this controversy is that which none of us knows for sure, but the signs do not bode well for the future. Doctrinal change away from truth is occurring at an alarming rate among us. Hostility is evident as those changing their doctrinal views are being called upon to defend the changes. Justification of a human institution seems to have gained the ascendancy in the hearts and minds of some.
The Creation Controversy and Florida College (Jenkins)
It shall be my purpose in this article to provide an event-by-event chronology of the current controversy about the Florida College Biblical Studies faculty concerning creation and evolution.
Editorial: Honor in Controversy
The Open Letter is an expression of concern. It is carefully worded, and carries a reasonable tone. Every accusation made is accompanied by corroborating quotes and evidence. Much more material has been published in the last month, in response and rejoinder. All we are asking is for each Christian to examine all of the material. If Florida College deserves rebuke, raise your voice to help effect change for the better.
Associate Editorial: An FC Father Speaks Up
I signed the Open Letter and would again today. I am opposed to Shane Scott’s teaching and am also opposed to his remaining on the faculty of Florida College unless he repents (Luke 13:3,5). I am opposed to Hill Roberts’ teaching and that of the “Lord I Believe” Seminar, which said opposition I have previously espoused in the electronic pages of this communiqué (Hebrews 11:3). I am opposed to the position of tolerance furthered by President Caldwell and Chairman Jenkins (Revelation 22:18-19). Each parent must make up his or her own mind in regard to their own child’s maturity in their ability to reject the fiery darts of compromise and plain false teaching as is being allowed now in the Bible class rooms at Florida College.
Evidences of Faith: Another Concern in the “Age of Earth” Discussion
Brethren, we must teach the “whole counsel of God”, not just what we decide to emphasize. Some think that since “the apostolic message gives a special position (‘first importance’) to the incarnation, death, burial, resurrection, baptismal submission to and disciplinary imitation of Christ”. That other Bible doctrines are not that important to the faith and therefore must be abandoned when they offend others or when others cannot reconcile them with human wisdom. I’m sorry but “all scripture is given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” (2 Tim. 3:16) and “has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?” (1 Cor. 1:20).
Positive Reader Responses: Open Letter
Reader Responses to the Open Letter: The following readers of Watchman Magazine have made known their agreement with the principles espoused in the Open Letter…