Category: Church
Subject: Church
Editorial: The Parameters of Church Autonomy
Men have continually shown themselves unwilling to acquiesce to Christ’s will regarding His church, and have altered the divine plan. Among the distortions of God’s blueprint for the church, and the focus of this article, is an assault on the concept of church autonomy as revealed in scripture.
White Unto Harvest: The Establishment of the Church at Ephesus
A church like Ephesus is not likely to come into existence by chance. Rather, planning, sacrifice, and persistence are needed, and that on the part of men who are themselves grounded in the faith and have a love for the souls of others. Missionary zeal is to be commended. However, it can be emphasized to the point where it overshadows such necessary attributes as we have discussed herein. Let us channel our zeal to the end that we may be what we need to be and do what we need to do to establish churches that will stand the tests of time.
Contending for the Faith: Quit Using “Church of Christ”?
If we must cease references to “churches of Christ,” to be consistent we must do away with these other terms–Christian, elder, pastor, baptism, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit baptism, tongues, and miracles. However, the truth is that we need not dispense with any of them. Rather, without shame or apology, we must teach the world the truth and use every opportunity to show the distinction between the words of men and the word of God (Acts 17:23; 1 Pet. 4:11).
The Work God Gave the Local Church
Churches need to concern themselves with doing the work God designed them to do. Far too often for far too long, church work has been driven by human idealism rather than divine wisdom. Typically, men start with a human idea of “good work,” then ask “what’s wrong with it?” And then, if they do not find it specifically condemned in Scripture, they begin to practice it. This process has produced not only the man-made mess known as denominationalism, but also division after unscriptural division among churches of Christ. What we need to do is start with God’s design, accept that His way is not only right but also best, and then follow His pattern implicitly.
The Body of Christ: The Universal Church
What about your relationship with Christ? Have you been added by the Lord to His church? Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6). Those that believe and are baptized will be saved Mark 16:16. About three thousand baptized believers were added to the Lord’s church after the Word was preached on Pentecost Acts 2:41. Do you believe? Are you willing to change and follow Christ? Have you been baptized for the remission of sins? If not, why not? Jesus will add you to His fold if you accept His terms. Study your Bible, follow the teaching of Christ. Be Saved.
Christians At Work in the Universal Church
Individual Christians who love their fellow saints and who have concern for the cause of Christ will do their best to defend the truth against the onslaught of error in our time as well. When they do so out of such approved motives, their actions are not to be condemned as evidence of autonomy being violated, a feeling of self-importance, self-appointed guardians of orthodoxy, brotherhood watchdogs, a pack of snarling cur or other disparaging terms. When error is taught, it is scripturally authorized for faithful Christians to speak up in defense of the truth at home or away as they have opportunity to do so. Those who speak disparagingly of such actions show a lack of love for their brethren and the cause of Christ.
Voices from the Past: Horns of Destruction (Connie Adams)
We all need to take stock of our attitude toward the word of God. Do we really look to it as the standard of living (Matthew 4:4)? Do we truly hold it as the final authority in all matters religious (Colossians 3:17)? Do we actually demand that our teachers and preachers give a “thus saith the Lord” (1 Peter 4:11)? Are we fully ready to change any and all things that are amiss in our life when we examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5; cf. Romans 8:29)? For too many, they see the word of God as a “nice” book full of “nice” sayings and “helpful” guidance, rather than the book with the sayings and the only guidance in how to live a moral, godly life.
They Being Dead Yet Speak: Voices from the Past – 2
Much was said a generation ago, by able contenders for the faith, about “tendencies” that led to the departure from the New Testament order of things. Departures were gradual and always began with “tendencies” which the thoughtless and uninformed thought innocent enough, and they often became very impatient with, and just as often used bitter speech in denouncing loyal and able men who were able to see what these “tendencies” would ultimately lead to.
They Being Dead Yet Speak: Voices from the Past – 1
We have however, in the church today, a new generation, many of whom are unfamiliar with the battles waged in the past against digression and the tendencies that developed into it. They appear to be blind to any dangers, and like Galileo of old, “care for none of these things.”
They Being Dead Yet Speak: Church and School
It is clear, then, that individuals may support Christian schools–primary, grammar, high school and college. Let us so support Christian schools that they may grow and prosper, while remaining sound; but let no secular institution be joined to the church, and let the church as such keep itself separated from any secular institution.
They Being Dead Yet Speak: The Mission of the Church – 3
We need again to say that when the energy, money, prayers, and abilities of the church in any community are given to do this work, God’s purposes are served. But when they are diverted to serve other purposes, the church of God, divine in design and purpose, is prostituted to serve human aims, and God cannot be pleased.
They Being Dead Yet Speak: The Mission of the Church – 2
For the church to burden itself down with benevolences of every kind, much of which is the obligation of individuals or of the state, tax supported, so that it cannot preach the gospel, is to defeat its primary purpose. Hence, God placed around these works of benevolence the restrictions which we have already noted. It cannot be right to let the eternal souls of men go down to destruction because of the church being overburdened with caring for temporal wants and necessities.
They Being Dead Yet Speak: The Mission of the Church – 1
Teaching, exhortation, admonition, and instruction in righteousness are all required. The word of God is designed to fill each one of these needs, and must only be taught to do so (2 Timothy 3:16, 17.) The church is designed to do the teaching; hence, all that is needed is for the church simply to carry out God’s plan, and do that which God designed it to do.
The Foolishness of Preaching the Church
In the first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, Paul contrasts the wisdom of men with what he calls “the foolishness of God.” His…
Associate Editorial: More About the Church of Christ (Structure and Fellowship)
Doctrinal and moral purity is demanded of every Christian, and we should expect nothing less than such purity when we are talking about the local church. We cannot judge the hearts of men, but we have no choice but to judge the fruits of their lives. Just as 2 John 9-11 condemns the false teacher and any reception of that false one, the verse does not expect us to judge his motives. We could never do that anyway. We must judge the message he brings.
Associate Editorial: Let’s Talk About the Church
Let’s talk about the church. God’s people need to be warned that we are in a fight with the devil and the devil is winning. Apathy and ignorance keep us from waging the war that needs to be fought and won. We must eradicate both from within our ranks. May God help us in our noble battle for truth.
The Glorious Church Reflected in the Church’s Spotless Nature
As God’s people go about in doing the Will of God, the wisdom of God is clearly seen. It is God’s wisdom, the wisdom from heaven, that directs the church; and, in doing so it gives glory to the church.
The Glorious Church Reflected in The Fullness of Salvation
The atonement for the church is universal. God has provided a way for all men to be saved. Christ tasted death “for every man” (Heb. 2:9). “One died for all” (2 Cor. 5:14). However, the fact that Christ’s atonement for the church was universal in its provisions does not mean that all will be saved. Appropriating, contacting, taking advantage of the benefits of the church, of the atonement is clear and conditional according to inspiration. Paul pleads, “Be ye reconciled to God” (2 Cor. 5:20).
The Glorious Church Reflected in the Mystery of the Gospel Revealed
As we can understand the mystery of salvation in Christ for all men, because it has been revealed, every man can also understand through the same revelation of God’s mystery how he should walk in Christ. Paul exhorts, “As therefore ye received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and builded up in Him, and established in your faith, even as ye were taught, abounding in thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:6-7).
The Glorious Church Reflected in The Promised Messiah
We have noticed that the Messiah was promised, and how God faithfully kept His word. Jesus came and was everything the prophets said he would be. He did all they said he would do (Jn. 19:28). God has also promised that Jesus will come again, at which time the dead will be raised, all will be judged, the earth will be destroyed, and either heaven or hell will be our eternal home (cf. Matt. 25:31-46; 1 Thess. 4:13-18; Rev. 20:11-15; 2 Pet. 3:7-14). Do you believe the promise?