Category: Apostasy
Subject: Apostasy
Editorial: Is Something “Happening” in the Church?
I dare say that no one in our fellowship would deny that Ezekiel, Paul and Jesus had a love for the souls of men. And yet, their manner was often confrontational, always uncompromising, and sometimes even derisive toward those who would make shipwreck of our faith. The common criticism of those defending truth as having improper motives and a lack of love often speaks more to the mindset of the one offended by such criticism rather than the one delivering the rebuke.
Controversy in History
Note how that in nearly every generation issues have arisen and often have reoccurred. So, repeated teaching is necessary for each generation, in order to avoid falling victim to apostasies. All of these “neo”, or new, movements, and doctrines, reflected the rebellion of men against established authority, and opened the door for more and greater departures from the apostolic order of things. Many in the brotherhood are fast on the road to classic modernism.
Queries and Explications: A Baptist on Jeremiah 6:16
As noted earlier, Mr. Cryer said, “Some are telling folks that if they get baptized they are saved. The ‘water baptism path’ is a lie straight from the pits of Hell.” Mr. Cryer, if a Baptist preacher were to preach the very words of Jesus, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved,” would it be “a lie straight from the pits of Hell”? If not, what would it be? If a Baptist preacher told sinners to “Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins,” would that be “a lie straight from the pits of Hell”? If not, what would it be?
we need to take out our Bibles, roll up our sleeves, and get to work answering the arguments presented by the “Change Artists.” We do not have to be unkind; but we do need to be bold and straight forward. We need to stand for truth, and let the world, and the Lord, know the position we occupy.
Voices from the Past: Horns of Destruction (Connie Adams)
We all need to take stock of our attitude toward the word of God. Do we really look to it as the standard of living (Matthew 4:4)? Do we truly hold it as the final authority in all matters religious (Colossians 3:17)? Do we actually demand that our teachers and preachers give a “thus saith the Lord” (1 Peter 4:11)? Are we fully ready to change any and all things that are amiss in our life when we examine ourselves to see if we are in the faith (2 Corinthians 13:5; cf. Romans 8:29)? For too many, they see the word of God as a “nice” book full of “nice” sayings and “helpful” guidance, rather than the book with the sayings and the only guidance in how to live a moral, godly life.
Voices from the Past: Trends Toward Apostasy (1) (Bill Cavender)
Though they won’t admit it, many are giving heed to earthly friendships and long time associations with others — esteeming the praise of men greater riches than the suffering of Christ (cf. Jn. 12:42; Gal. 1:10; Matt. 10:37-39). Time is proving, and will make crystal clear, that such error and practices are growing into a full-blown apostasy among us.
Editorial: Thinking About the Church
Brethren, an apostasy is brewing. Local congregations are being affected. Preachers are going “hither, thither and yon” and preaching error. They are hiding behind the biblical concept of autonomy, distorting this grand principle established by God and using it to further their pernicious cause. Those who speak out against this error are being falsely charged with “meddling” and trying to “run things.”