Category: Abortion
Subject: Abortion
The Ethics of Men
When ethicists arbitrarily define who is a “person”, history has shown they do so arbitrarily, leading to many atrocities. Four are examined in the article: American Slavery, the Holocaust, Abortion and Infanticide.
Walking Worthy: Abortion – When Human Hands Shed Innocent Blood
The demise of respect for the gift of sex has been met with an equal loss of respect for the gift of life. The unborn who are unwanted because they were conceived at a time deemed inconvenient to his parents can be destroyed in the womb almost as easily as a wart can be removed.
Associate Editorial: Abortion
Abortion is an abomination against God. It is the sin of murder. It destroys life. In genesis 9:6, God said to Noah a truth that remains, “Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed.” All of those people who are involved in the process of abortion are guilty of sin before God and will pay the wages of their sin, in the only appropriate way, with the loss of their eternal souls, condemned to a Devil’s Hell throughout all eternity, “into the fire that shall never be quenched – where their worm does not die and the fire is not quenched” (Mark 9:43b-44).
The Foolishness of Preaching Morality
Are we living for God as we ought? Do we appreciate what God has said about these moral issues that come up from day to day? Yes, the Bible is a relevant book, and yes, God’s word has meaning for us today. Woe to anyone who thinks otherwise! Regardless of how “foolish” men think it is, it is our responsibility to preach and promote God’s word to a lost and dying world.