Author: Roberts, Tom
Associate Editorial: Why Is Preaching Ineffective?
Out there in the highways and bi-ways of our busy world are lost people looking for the light. They are not hard-hearted. They are ignorant because no one has ever taught them the truth. Among Christians who are carnal minded are those who love scripture and who apply it diligently to their lives. We must not lose heart because of reverses, disappointments, personal loss or sacrifice. The gospel is still the “dynamite” of God that can save the world (Rom. 1:16). Let us “take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand” (Eph. 6:13).
Editorial: The Church in the Eternal Purpose of God
There are many things to be accomplished in a local church. There is the work of evangelism, edification and benevolence. Elders are appointed by God to oversee the local work and deacons are appointed to serve its needs in a special way. Worship is designed by God to lift up praises to Himself and to allow saints to glorify His name, expressing the deepest emotions of a human heart. The local church is a place of ministry, a place to be busy, a relationship of the spirit and a home for kindred souls that encourage one another.
Third Letter: Our Child Is Dead
A loving father writes a letter of concern to a wayward child.
Second Letter: Our Child Is Reborn
A Loving Father writes a letter of concern to a wayward child.
First Letter: Unto Us A Child Is Born
A Loving father writes a letter to his wayward child.
Solid Food: Calvinism’s Three Fold Imputation
When we penitently believe on Jesus Christ, becoming obedient to His will, God forgives us those sins which have been put to our account. It is in this manner that God imputes righteousness to me. Since our sins are forgiven, they can no longer be imputed (“…blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin”, Romans 4:8). God thereby restores me to that condition of righteousness which I occupied beofre I sinned (Ecclesiastes 7:29), and pronounces me righteous on the basis of forgiveness.
Solid Food: The Holy Spirit in Acts
Any consideration of the themes contained in the Book of Acts must surely include the administration of the Holy Spirit. As Joel prophesied, the “last days” would see the pouring out of the Spirit of God. Peter, one of the twelve who received this pouring out in Acts 2, confirmed that God had kept his word, the last days had arrived and the Spirit was thereby being given. It is notable that the apostles were never confused about the Spirit, its mission nor its medium; but confusion reigns today as every charlatan and huckster seeks to make merchandise of the Spirit of God. How fearful it is to consider the fate of those who do despite to the Spirit.
Solid Food: Why We Must Have Discipline in the Church
It is assumed that our readers understand that earlier forms of discipline should have been expended before actually withdrawing from a brother or sister. Such things as Bible study, gospel preaching, personal appeals, prayers and much patience should characterize faithful brethren seeking to “restore” the fallen (Galatians 6:1). But having done all these things, let us not fail to trust God’s way to the final measure: withdraw from the disorderly. Trust God that this is the best way and do not question nor seek to circumvent the counsel of God. Souls hang in the balance — and ours may be included.
Theme Editorial: The Law of the Lord is Good
We hear today (as in ancient times) of those who moan from being “restricted” by God’s law, of being burdened by precepts too heavy to be borne, of “kicking against the goad.” The law is seen as interfering with “freedom,” as too narrow, as too demanding, as too unloving, as onerous.
Charts: Divorce, Remarriage and Fellowship
Charts: Lesson 6 (Divorce, Remarriage and Fellowship)
Divorce, Remarriage and Fellowship
A myth has been promoted in many areas about God’s teaching on marriage, divorce and remarriage (mdr) that it is too difficult to understand, that there is a lack of clarity concerning it, and that there are so many divergent views none can be sure about the actual truth. This is fallacious and a charge against the integrity of the inspired message of God. The Holy Spirit speaks to reveal, not conceal; to edify, not confuse; to unify, not divide. God has revealed the whole truth (Jn. 14; 16); it is understandable (Eph. 3:4; John 8:32), and we are foolish if we don’t understand it (Eph. 5:17).
Charts: Is Doctrinal Unity Possible?
Charts of Lesson 5: Is Doctrinal Unity Possible?
Is Doctrinal Unity Possible?
What saith the scriptures? For generations, we have approached our denominational neighbors with the intent of sharing New Testament Christianity with them. As we have surveyed the division that is characteristic both philosophically and practically of sectarianism, we have told them of a better way. We refer to the unity that is in Christ, manifest by the Spirit, and guided by the inspired message (Eph. 4:1-6). We are not the first to believe and work for doctrinal unity based upon faith in Jesus Christ and the finality of scripture as the supreme court of our faith and practice.
Charts: Understanding Christ and the Church (Gospel and Doctrine)
Charts for Lesson 4: Understanding Christ and the Church (Gospel and Doctrine)
Understanding Christ and the Church (Gospel and Doctrine)
There are efforts that seek to separate Christ from the church; gospel from doctrine. Though often discussed separately, both of these attacks on our subjects have their root in the same error: a rejection of Christ’s authority and a desire to practice lawlessness (Mt. 7:15-23).
Charts: Romans 14 and Fellowship with Sin
Charts: Lesson two. Romans 14 and Fellowship with Sin.
Romans 14 and Fellowship With Sin
Our text to be analyzed, Romans 14:1-15:7, beautifully sets forth the parameters of our liberties in Christ. Counter-balancing between the tendency to bind where God has not bound and giving license to sin, this passage advocates fellowship through the respect of each brother’s liberties. Without the truth of these verses, Christians will be hopelessly splintered in as many pieces as there are opinions or else be invaded by sinful doctrine and practices.
Charts: Misuse of Grace to Cover Sin
1. UNIVERSAL NEED OF GRACE (Never Tire of Preaching It!) Perfect Law-keeping Cannot Save Jew or Gentile: “All have sinned” Introduction to Gospel of Grace:…
Misuse of Grace to Cover Sin
So far as the churches of Christ are concerned, the fundamental teaching of truth during the Restoration Movement was so effective (cf: “The Scheme of Redemption,” by Robert Milligan) that it eradicated practically every vestige of Calvinism among Christians. From the early 1800’s until our generation, classic Calvinism (Tulip) has been recognized as the error it is and has not been a source of internal strife (must less a cause of division) within local congregations. However, history will record that it has become the task of our generation to combat these errors again.
Charts: Historical and Biblical Fellowship
Charts used for lesson: Historical and Biblical Fellowship (Tom Roberts)