Author: Cox, Stan

Stan Cox is the editor of Watchman Magazine, and has preached for the West Side church of Christ in Fort Worth, TX since 1989.
Posted in Envy Subject Index

The Simple Gospel: The Dangers and Consequences of Envy

At one time, we all were guilty of envy. But, brethren, that should not now be. We ought all to examine ourselves, and purge envy from us. It is not proper for children of God (cf. Titus 3:3-7).

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Posted in Dancing Editorials Modesty Subject Index

Editorial: A Little of a Coquette

Young people, I implore you not to waste breath attempting to defend the immoral dress and dance of our day. You convince no one, least of all the Almighty. As Paul stated in Ephesians 3:15, “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise.” Be wise, and serve your Lord with modesty and devotion.

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Posted in Editorials Masonry Subject Index

Editorial: Masonry in the Church

The Masonic Lodge teaches and adherants accept that their relationship in the Lodge is what assures them salvation. The Masonic Lodge teaches that the Jew, Muslim, Brahmin, Confucian, Zorasterian, and other religious men who have rejected Christ, nevertheless can approach God in prayer, and approach other Masons in spiritual fellowship, based upon his membership in the Lodge!

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Posted in Creation Editorials Evidences Evolution Subject Index

Editorial: Artificial Intelligence – Evidence of Design

Scientists pour millions of man hours into a project designed to, in some limited way, mimic man’s emotions and intellect. These same scientists deny a Designer in the original. This shows them to have a prejudiced mind. Too often Christians fear the so-called knowledge of the “experts.” We are intimidated by the terminology, ill-prepared to counter the bold assertions, and cowed by the letters behind the names. Rather, we should see such men who rail against the revelation of God as ineffectual children who “won’t see it” because they refuse to “open their eyes.”

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Posted in Cursing Profanity Subject Index

The Simple Gospel: Curse and Effect

Educated people have always considered obscenity the haven of the coarse, uneducated and immoral man. It is the language of the drunken sailor, not the poet; of the tramp, not the businessman; of the law breaker, not the law maker. If that is now changing, we are saddened. However, we as Christians must refuse to be influenced by this ungodliness.

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Posted in Subject Index Technology

Electronic Preaching: Using a PDA

For the organizationally impaired, (including yours truly), PDAs are wonderful devices. Used properly, the device can be wonderfully helpful to the busy preacher.

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Posted in Gentleness Subject Index

Gentleness – "Praiotes"

Gentleness deserves it place in the lists of Christian virtues. Paul rightly points out that “against such there is no law.” A meek, gentle, humble person is walking “worthy of the calling with which you were called”, and justly has his place in the “the elect of God, holy and beloved.”

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Posted in Editorials Godly Sorrow Repentance Subject Index

Editorial: Godly Sorrow

A Christian who is truly sorry for sin will prove himself to be clear in the matter. Using Paul’s language, he will be diligent in his actions, seeking every opportunity to atone for his sin. He will express indignation toward himself, rather than blaming others for his transgression. He will be motivated by fear, recognizing the seriousness of his failures. His desire to make amends will be abundantly obvious to all, and no one will have cause to doubt his true sincerity. His zeal will not flag, and with time, his vindication will be complete!

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Posted in Conversion Editorials Subject Index

Editorial: What Is Conversion?

We are to preach because the gospel is the sole means of converting men! We may become friends with them, but that will not convert them to Christ. They may be members of our family, but that lineage has nothing to do with their salvation. Conversion only comes in response to the word of God. Paul understood this, and wrote, “…I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek” (Romans 1:16). The only power we have to save men is in the gospel of Christ.

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Posted in Greek Subject Index Technology

Electronic Preaching: Learning New Testament Greek

Excellent on-line introductory Greek course. Currently this site features nine chapters to take students through roughly the first third of a first year course, with lucid explanations, detailed assignments and plenty of helps like the “Clik-Thru Tutor” and flash-cards. The site is well-designed and pleasing to the eye, and there is plenty of audio help too.

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Posted in Christian Living Editorials Subject Index

Theme Editorial: Fruit of the Spirit

This issue constitutes an extensive word study of the list of “fruit of the Spirit” that is found in Galatians 5. I want to express my appreciation to all of the men who have contributed to the study. You will find the writing to be uniformly excellent.

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Posted in Children Compromise Editorials Parenting Subject Index Worldliness

Editorial: Are We Protecting Our Children?

As parents, we long to protect our children from the harsh realities of life. It breaks our heart to see them suffer either emotionally or physically, and we seek to shield them from whatever heartbreak we can. Much of this is needed, and responsible. However, it is possible to be so protective of our children that they fail to receive needed lessons that only heartbreak and suffering can bring.

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Posted in Preacher Preaching Subject Index

Electronic Preaching: Sermon Resources on the Internet

One of the best uses of the internet is as a resource to preachers and teachers. One caveat, however. It is important that the reader be discerning. Error is present on the web as well as truth. In fact, it has a greater presence. If you wish to share such resources with a young aspiring preacher, be careful where you point him. Might I suggest the above sites as a good place to start.

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Posted in Flesh Sin Subject Index Uncleanness

Works of the Flesh: Uncleanness

Too often, liberty in Christ has turned into license. “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?” (Romans 6:1-2). Christians must heed the call to avoid uncleanness in their lives. Yes, the term uncleanness is a broad term. That is as God intended. Anything that is not pure; that influences the children of God to profligate activity; that turns our minds away from righteousness; is unclean. It is to be avoided by the Christian.

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Posted in Editorials Flesh Sin Subject Index

Theme Editorial: The Works of the Flesh

This issue constitutes an extensive word study of the list of “works of the flesh” that is found in Galatians 5. I want to express my appreciation to all of the men who have contributed to the study. You will find the writing to be uniformly excellent. Please make note of this issue, as it will be useful resource material in the future.

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Posted in Bible Editorials Florida College Modernism Open Letter Subject Index

Editorial: The Bible and Academia

If it is not ethical or possible to teach our children the truth without compromise in the halls of academia, then the Bible should not be taught there. Parents need to consider this carefully before sending their children to such institutions where their Bible education will be coming in large part from college professors instead of preachers, teachers and elders in the local church.

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Posted in Preaching Subject Index Technology

Electronic Preaching: How to Write on the Internet

Writing requires discipline. It is a most rewarding activity, and can be very beneficial not only to the reader, but also to the writer. An old adage is apropos here, “If it is worth doing, it is worth doing right!” It is our desire that the preceding will help someone not only to write, but to write right!

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Posted in Autonomy Church Editorials Subject Index

Editorial: The Parameters of Church Autonomy

Men have continually shown themselves unwilling to acquiesce to Christ’s will regarding His church, and have altered the divine plan. Among the distortions of God’s blueprint for the church, and the focus of this article, is an assault on the concept of church autonomy as revealed in scripture.

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Posted in Preaching Subject Index Technology

Electronic Preaching: Creating a Web Presence

The preceding is sufficient to give readers a general idea of what is necessary to establish a Web presence. In future articles we will give suggestions and advice regarding specific aspects of the utilization and design of Web pages. The internet is a wonderful thing, and the potential for good is great. Congregations should consider taking advantage of such an efficient and exciting opportunity to preach the word!

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Posted in Controversy Creation Defense of Truth Editorials Florida College Open Letter Subject Index Watchmen

Editorial: Honor in Controversy

The Open Letter is an expression of concern. It is carefully worded, and carries a reasonable tone. Every accusation made is accompanied by corroborating quotes and evidence. Much more material has been published in the last month, in response and rejoinder. All we are asking is for each Christian to examine all of the material. If Florida College deserves rebuke, raise your voice to help effect change for the better.

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