Author: Cox, Stan
6 – Are We Saved by Faith Only?
In this video, Stan Cox points out that while we are saved by Faith, the Bible clearly teaches that more than faith alone is required to be justified in the sight of God.
Lessons to Learn from Elijah and Obadiah
1 Kings 18 records a conversation between the great prophet Elijah, and Obadiah, the steward over the house of King Ahab. Despite his close association with the evil king, scripture describes Obadiah as a man who “feared the Lord greatly” (18:3).
A number of lessons can be learned by becoming familiar with these two men, and examining the conversation they had on that eventful day.
5 – Are We Saved by the Grace of God?
In this video, Stan affirms that we are saved by the grace of God, but notes that God has placed conditions upon receiving that great gift of salvation.
Jesus and the Temple
Men never quite understood Jesus’ mission on earth until His work was finished. However, Jesus knew full well what He faced, and yet willingly made Himself “… of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant, and coming in the likeness of man” (Philippians 2:7). Such love for man is glorious. As we reap the benefit of His magnanimous gift, we rejoice and must give thanks.
Masonry and the Christian
Masonry claims that Lodge members from the various religions of the world “can assemble as brethren and unite in prayer to the one God (quoted from Masonry and the Christian, page 26). The apostle Paul says that such unity comes only through Jesus Christ (cf. Galatians 3:28). The two claims are incompatible.
“My Hour Has Not Yet Come”
In John 2:1-11, the apostle records Jesus’ miracle at the wedding feast in Cana. There are many important things to note regarding this event, where our Lord first “manifested His glory” (cf. vs. 11), but we are here most interested in the words spoken on this occasion. Specifically, we wish to examine Jesus’ words to His mother, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? My hour has not yet come” (vs. 4).
A Capella Singing
We should remember that during certain times in her history, Israel’s worship, though correct in form, was nevertheless not pleasing to God. In Zechariah 7, the Lord asked His people, “When you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months during those seventy years, did you really fast for Me — for Me?” (vs. 5). The principle is simple. When we worship God, we are to do it in the way we do it because it is the way He said to do it, not because it is what we prefer. When we sing He asks, “Do you do it ‘for Me — for Me?’”
The First Disciples of Jesus
The gospel of John records several short conversations Jesus had as He began to attract disciples at the beginning His ministry. These conversations are contained in verse 35-51 of John 1.
The Temptation of Jesus
In banishing the devil, Jesus stated His allegiance to His Father in Heaven. His kingdom was to be spiritual, not material. Where the Devil had only the temporal to offer, Jesus’ had received the promise of the eternal kingdom from His Father (cf. Acts 5:31). “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.” So, Satan left Jesus for a season, having failed to shake His faithful devotion to His Father’s cause.
Preaching With The Pen
Don’t write for others unless you are serious about getting it right. Brethren need good reading material; material that is true, well written and understandable. If you are not willing to spend the time to do it right, then don’t do it at all. Writing is not for everybody, and certainly not for those lacking proper motivation. But, for those who are willing to put in the time and effort, it is a wonderful blessing to them and their readers. What about you? Pick up your pen (or your keyboard), and give it a try!
4 – The Unimpeachable Witness
Stan argues that the Apostle Paul, as an initially hostile witness, has testimony concerning the resurrected Lord that is unimpeachable.
3 – Is Jesus the Messiah?
Stan uses the Bible claims of the resurrection of Jesus Christ to argue He is the annointed of God, the Savior of the world.
2 – Is the Bible the Inspired Word of God?
In this videocast, Stan explains why he believes the Bible to be inspired, or God breathed, and encourages others to examine the evidence for inspiration
1 – Does God Exist?
Stan uses the teleological argument to prove the existence of an omnipotent and omniscient God.
Editorial: God Breathed
We must know God’s will to prosper in this life, and in the one to come. How privileged we are to have access to the mind of God, revealed in His holy Scriptures!
Jesus and John at the Jordan River
Truly, Jesus came to do the will of God. This is evident in His words, and in His actions. From His baptism in the beginning of His ministry until His decision to carry through to the cross (“O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will,” Matthew 26:39), Jesus showed His willingness to “fulfill all righteousness.” He serves as a wonderful example to us. Harold Fowler puts it well in his commentary on Matthew, “Nobody will ever form a better ethic than ‘doing all that God tells us to do’” (pg. 116). Wise words to live by!
Jesus’ First Recorded Words
Luke 2:40-52 The historian Luke, in his gospel, records the only words spoken by Jesus as a child that we are privy to in God’s…
Editorial: Free Will – Confusing the Simple
First, God will hold you accountable if you live your life as an evildoer. Second, God will reward you if you choose to follow His will. The apostle Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica, seeking to comfort the disciples during a time of persecution. He noted that they would be protected by God, and those who persecuted them would be judged. Consider his words, “It is a righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you, and to give you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His power, when He comes, in that Day, to be glorified in His saints and to be admired among all those who believe, because our testimony among you was believed” (2 Thessalonians 1:6-10). The choice is ours: To obey, or not to obey. God be praised that He has given us such a wonderful blessing.
Projector Preaching
This article contains the author’s suggestions on preaching with an LCD projector. Those who are new to the technology could avoid some common mistakes by a careful reading of this material.
A Refutation of the A.D. 70 Doctrine – 3
Article 3 of 3 refuting the A.D. 70 Doctrine. This article deals with the major tenants of the doctrine, showing how a person could believe such an absurd theory. An addendum explains the Christians appropriate response to those who hold this error.