Author: Cox, Stan
9 – Repent or Perish!
Video Script: Repent or Perish! (9)
Little Johnny hits his playmate in a dispute over a favorite toy. His momma first says, “Tell Bobby you’re sorry for hitting him.” Then, after…
HU Queer Press Reviewed: A Dialogue on Homosexuality
In early March, 2011, some anonymous former and current students of Harding University published a “zine”, devoted to changing student and administrative attitudes toward homosexuality. …
The Work of an Evangelist
In 2 Timothy 4:5, the Apostle Paul exhorted young Timothy, “But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist,…
Editorial: Love (Motivation, Obligation & Reciprocation)
In 1 John 4, the apostle instructed his readers to “test the spirits, whether they are of God.” This testing was necessary because, “many false…
The Ultimate Basis of Christian Fellowship
The ultimate basis of Christian fellowship is our standing with God. If we stand with Him, then by extension we stand with one another. “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). When one who claims to be one of His children persists in sin, we who are spiritual have a responsibility to judge him. He no longer is walking in the light, and he is to be marked and avoided as one unworthy of our fellowship.
Advice to Preachers: Write!
Be absolutely sure that what you write is true to God’s word. Never publish material for consumption that represents shoddy scholarship or speculation. Remember the admonition of James, “My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment” (3:1). Approach your audience as if they are as the noble Bereans, and will search “the Scriptures daily to find out whether” your words agree with God’s (cf. Acts 17:11).
Video Script: What Must We Believe? (8)
Just about everyone accepts that faith saves, but an important question often remains unasked. What, or who is it I must believe in? Now the simple answer is, you must believe in Jesus. John stated in his gospel, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (3:16).
Editorial: Commitment of Biblical Proportions
It takes a commitment of Biblical proportions to be pleasing to God. But those who make it secure for themselves a crown of righteousness, “which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to [us] on that Day” (2 Timothy 4:8).
Video Script: The Power of the Gospel (7)
We are so thankful for the message of the cross. You will notice that each gospel sermon recorded in the book of Acts, leading to the conversion of men, dealt with the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus our Lord. Now, going back to Romans we noted that the gospel is God’s power to salvation. And, as those who have benefited from that message, we feel compelled to share it with others.
Video Script: Are We Saved by Faith Only? (6)
We are indeed justified, or saved by faith. The Bible clearly affirms such to be so. One of the most famous passages in all of God’s word states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). We can say that our salvation is completely dependent upon our belief in Jesus. We can’t be saved if we do not believe. However, it is again incorrect to say that we are saved by faith alone. That is, that nothing more is required of us to gain that gift of salvation.
Video Script: Are We Saved by Grace? (5)
God has offered up His son, but has given certain requirements in order to receive that gift. This has nothing to do with earning our salvation, we are only accepting God’s terms for the delivery of the gift of salvation. What are the terms? If you want a concise answer, listen to our Lord, as recorded in Mark 16:16: “He that believes and is baptized shall be saved, He that believes not shall be condemned.”
Video Script: The Unimpeachable Witness (4)
When Jesus identified Himself as the risen Lord, Paul realized that he had got it wrong all along. The claims that Jesus was the Christ were true. Paul knew it for a certainty. When he heard the voice from heaven, he asked, “Who are you, Lord?”, and the voice responded, “I am Jesus.” Was Jesus resurrected from the dead? The unimpeachable hostile witness says, “Yes, I saw Him!” That testimony is good enough for a court of law. Is it good enough for you?
8 – What Must We Believe?
In this video, Stan Cox explains from the scriptures exactly what it is that we must believe in when we say that we are saved by Faith.
Video Script: Is Jesus the Messiah? (3)
Is Jesus the Messiah? The eyewitnesses say, Yes, He Is! And God Himself testified that He is the One promised, by raising Him from the dead. Praise God, we have a Savior… His name is Jesus.
Video Script: Is the Bible the Inspired Word of God? (2)
I believe the Bible to be inspired because I look at the prophecies found in the book, and see them uniformly fulfilled as predicted. I believe the Bible to be inspired because of the confirmation of the word through the miracles performed in New Testament times that are recorded in its pages. I believe the Bible to be inspired because the uniformity in purpose and doctrine that it shows throughout the entirety of the book.
In addition to these internal evidences, I believe the Bible to be inspired because of the corroboration given by secular history and archaeology. I contend that within its pages are revealed the mind of God, His will for man and mankind.
Video Script: Does God Exist? (1)
Think about the Cosmos, the Stars, the planets, our own wonderful world. Consider the largest mountain, and the smallest plant. Think about our own wonderful body, and consider the wonder of the process of thinking itself! The evidence is right there in front of you. Yes, God exists!
"You Must Be Born Again"
Whether it is described as coming to the light or faith, a man must respond to God’s gift of grace. God sent His Son to die for all men, but not all are saved. It is required that we love the light. We must believe in Jesus Christ. As He said, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6). “You Must Be Born Again”
7 – The Power of God Unto Salvation
In this video, Stan affirms the statement of the apostle Paul, that the gospel is God’s power unto salvation for everyone who believes.
Digitally Recording Sermons
The process for offering sermon audio is simple, and inexpensive. For those who are not familiar with how it is done, may I offer some suggestions as a primer.