Author: Cox, Stan

Stan Cox is the editor of Watchman Magazine, and has preached for the West Side church of Christ in Fort Worth, TX since 1989.
Posted in Authority Covenants Editorials Josiah Subject Index

Editorial: “I Have Found the Book of the Law”

2 Chronicles 34:15 BackgroundAfter the death of Solomon, Israel and Judah were divided into separate kingdoms. Both had periods in which they were in rebellion…

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Posted in Editorials Subject Index Truth Watchmen

Theme Editorial: The Present Need for Watchmen

Truly we need watchmen in our time, and we need good brethren to stand with them in their mission of righteousness. Will you be an “Obadiah” to the “Elijahs” and “Ezekiels” of our day?

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Posted in Editorials Subject Index Watchman Mag.

Editorial: A New Venture in Cyberspace

Welcome to the prospectus issue of Watchman Magazine. The magazine will be published monthly, with each issue coming on-line the first day of each month. Each issue will be available for the entire month, and then will be archived in our Past Issues index. That way, all issues of the magazine will always be easily accessible. The first full and official issue will be on-line January 1, 1998. This Prospectus has a great deal of worthy material to commend it, and is the borne fruit of many hours of planning, praying and development. No doubt the magazine will continue to develop, but we pray that as is it will be a blessing to those who read it.

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