Author: Cox, Stan
The Simple Gospel: Amazing Grace
Let us never forget that we are saved only because God extended his grace in love, by sending His Son. Let us never forget that if we make it to Heaven, it will not be because we earned or paid our way there, but rather because of that freely offered gift. And let us never forget our part of this salvation equation. The extension of grace teaches us that we have certain responsibilities to our God. Notice what Paul told Titus in Titus 2:11-12, “For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age…” The gift has been offered, and it is up to us to accept it through the obedient faith described by James in his epistle.
Sermon Study: A Study and Application of Congregational Autonomy
Local Church Autonomy must be understood to avoid error. For example, we must not be guilty of violating autonomy, and establishing denominational structures. However, it is also important that we not “hide behind” autonomy, to justify a departure from the truth of God’s word. Autonomy simply gives us the right, no matter what others may do, to serve God as He commands.
Editorial: Some Magazine Business
Be sure to read all of the fine articles in this month’s Watchman, and let others know about the magazine. Our paper cousins have to charge a subscription due to costs of printing, but Watchman is free. Well, except for the cost of the computer, software, internet service, etc. But as long as you have all that “stuff” anyway, you should take advantage of the material we supply each month! Happy Reading!
Editorial: The Bible
Again, as we place our confidence in the Bible we have received as the inspired Word of God, we call upon logic to bolster our faith. As Christians we are confident that the same God who has determined to reveal Himself to us will providentially guide the hands of men to keep that will pure and complete. The Bible is whole, unadulterated, and the authoritative Word of God!
The Simple Gospel: Is There A Basis for Your Joy?
Do you feel good about yourself? Your relationship with God? Do you feel good about those with whom you have spiritual fellowship? Do you have…
Editorial: A Final Exchange with David Matthews
Paul defended the truth against the Judaizing teachers of his day. In doing so, he did not establish a creed; he defended the truth. Peter refuted the Gnostics and in doing so had nothing to do with the establishment of a creed. When men today defend the truth of God against false teachers, they are not establishing a creed. They are defending the truth. It is amazing to me that those who hold the truth on the institutional issues are the ones today accused of creed making. It is the advocate of that false doctrine who has introduced a doctrine from man, not the defender of truth.
Editorial: Slandering the Brethren? (A Review)
I find it interesting that as the call to tolerance, understanding and compromise increases, God’s people become ever more splintered by false doctrines and “new things.” It seems that today about the only “intolerable” thing is to be intolerant. While some may disagree on doctrine and practice, they will still accept and praise one another so long as they themselves are tolerated. We need less toleration for error, not more. We need militance, not compromise. We need a true love for the souls of men which leads to the condemnation of sin, not sugary sweet tolerance “lest we offend.”
Reversing the “Spin-Doctors”: One Nation Under God?
Standing for what is right will lead to much criticism in today’s moral climate. Satan’s influence to evil has had such effect that even those who claim to be children of God are taken in by his propaganda. But, God is sovereign, and we can be victorious in the end if we will maintain our allegiance to him.
Editorial: State of the Magazine
1998 was truly an enlightening, uplifting and challenging year with regard to Watchman Magazine. The magazine began as a simple idea about a quarterly webzine on a shoestring budget, and became a prodigious undertaking (although still on a shoestring budget).
Editorial: The Mechanism of Sin and Temptation (James 1:12-18)
The principle of death as mentioned here in this text is both physical and spiritual. As a result of Adam’s sin, physical death entered into the world. They were banished from the Garden of Eden, and the immortality granted them by the Tree of Life. All who live on this earth will die, and this will remain true until Christ comes again. However, the spiritual death intimated here by James is much more serious. Spiritual death is Separation from God. And without the new birth which comes through obedience to His word, the death will be for an eternity.
Moral Leadership
It is evident to those who have not been unduly influenced by the deceiver that character and moral leadership is important to society. This is true on the national scale, as well as in our individual lives as we work, interact with our families and friends, and as we seek to serve our God. It is easy, however, for us to wag our fingers at the immoralities in our society, and not recognize the dangerous influences society can have on us as Christians.
The Foolishness of Preaching the Church
In the first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, Paul contrasts the wisdom of men with what he calls “the foolishness of God.” His…
Editorial: Playing Powerball! Is It Sinful?
The lottery is already causing problems in the Lord’s church. Some who profess to be a children of God are beginning to press the point, asking, “What is wrong with playing the lottery? What possible harm could come from it?” There is no possible way to justify playing the lottery! There is no possible justification for any type of gambling, even if it is sponsored by the state. It doesn’t matter if it is buying one ticket, or buying 1,000. It doesn’t matter if you can afford it or not. It is sin!
Be An Example … In Purity: Purity in Conscience
A live, tender conscience is infallible in its purpose. Remember, Paul’s conscience did not fail him, even when he was persecuting God’s people. The conscience did its job. It fulfilled the purpose God intended for it to fulfill. But, the conscience is only beneficial if it receives the proper “input”, i.e. God’s will for man revealed in the scriptures.
Theme Editorial: “Be An Example … In Purity”
We are the “special people” of God, and we ought to be characterized by a zealousness for good works and righteous living. This is called sanctification … God setting us apart as holy, in order to serve him. We must recognize that this is God’s purpose for us as Christians, and that in all things, we must appear pure before Him.
Editorial: To Who Shall I Speak and Give Warning? (Jeremiah 6:10-ff)
We as Christians ought to examine closely our attitudes toward the preaching of the word of God. It is disturbing to hear the criticism that is being expressed toward those who are following the example of Jeremiah and warning of sin in our time. May we as God’s people ever have a tender heart towards His will, and those who proclaim it to us.
Editorial: Lessons for Us from Nehemiah
A recognition of the current troubles that face the people of God ought to rouse each of us to a zeal for Him and His word. It ought to cause us to conform our conversation to revealed standards, and cause us to “contend earnestly for the faith once for all delivered” (cf. Jude 3) against all error.
God’s Holiness and Our Sanctification
I believe that an application of the fundamental principle of Sanctification would go a long way toward solving the moral and doctrinal problems that presently trouble the people of God. It is to a very great extent a failure to recognize and heed the call to holiness which is the cause for the present troubles.
Editorial: Thinking About the Church
Brethren, an apostasy is brewing. Local congregations are being affected. Preachers are going “hither, thither and yon” and preaching error. They are hiding behind the biblical concept of autonomy, distorting this grand principle established by God and using it to further their pernicious cause. Those who speak out against this error are being falsely charged with “meddling” and trying to “run things.”
Editorial: An Apology and Thanks!
Make sure you come back time and again, and read every article in this issue. Also, feel free to check out our past issues, for Watchman Magazine is archived, and every article is easily available to our readers. Print out the material, spread the news, buy a computer if you have to (after all, there is no subscription cost associated with the magazine). And always remember our gratitude for your interest in Watchman Magazine.