Author: Cox, Stan

Stan Cox is the editor of Watchman Magazine, and has preached for the West Side church of Christ in Fort Worth, TX since 1989.
Posted in Grace Redemption Sovereignty Subject Index Works

The Relationship Between God and Man

Any correct concept of God’s interaction with mankind will keep in view both His justice and His compassion. God is not capricious. He has treated man fairly. He is just. His desire to save men, not condemn them, impelled him to send His only begotten Son. He is compassionate. This grand scheme of redemption has brought salvation to many souls. However, most have rejected His overture.

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Posted in Judgment Repentance Sin Subject Index

“Your sin will find you out”

Numbers 32 records the petition the children of Reuben and Gad made to Moses and the leaders of the congregation of Israel. They desired to…

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Posted in Hypocrisy Influence Prayer Subject Index

Trademarking “Tebowing”

The New York Jets backup quarterback has been a bit of a public relations sensation since entering the NFL. Most agree that the hype surrounding…

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Posted in Pharisee Subject Index


During Jesus’ ministry, there were three main sects of the Jews that influenced Jewish politics and culture. The Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes. Interestingly, the Essenes…

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Posted in Attitudes Knowledge Subject Index Truth

Knowledge Puffs Up

Just as Peter and Paul, we know that Jesus is God’s Son, and we know that the Bible is God’s word. The gaining of knowledge will serve to strengthen our faith and remove insecurity. This is the healthy and right attitude to take as we seek awareness of God and His will.

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Posted in - Videos Authority Bible Evolution

A1 – The Logical Consequence of Belief in God

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Posted in - Video Scripts Authority Bible Evolution Subject Index

Video Script: The Logical Consequence of Belief in God (A1)

It makes no sense at all to acknowledge the existence of a supreme being who has the ability to create a universe and the life in it, and then be unconcerned about knowing who that God is, and what He is like. And it is just as illogical to think that you can know who He is and what He is like unless He has revealed Himself to you!

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Posted in Church Divorce Editorials Hermeneutics Interpretation Study Subject Index Worship

“Literally” – A Discussion of Definitions

I recently read an interesting short article on the use of the term “literally” that I want to share with you, then comment upon. Two…

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Posted in Abortion Editorials Infanticide Situation Ethics Subject Index

The Ethics of Men

When ethicists arbitrarily define who is a “person”, history has shown they do so arbitrarily, leading to many atrocities. Four are examined in the article: American Slavery, the Holocaust, Abortion and Infanticide.

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Posted in Christ Jesus Messiah Subject Index

“I who speak to you am He”

John 4:25-26 At the end of Jesus’ conversation with the Samaritan woman in John 4, the woman said to Him, “I know that Messiah is…

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Posted in Apostasy Attitudes Authority Defense of Truth Editorials Subject Index Truth Writing

Are We Relevant?

Several times in the history of Watchman Magazine I have written articles explaining the present state of the effort, and desires for the future.  As…

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Posted in Evangelism Sin Subject Index Worldliness

The Intolerance of Toleration

I recently came across an internet article listing the 5 most hated YouTube videos in internet history. This list was based upon the number of…

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Posted in Example Kindness Righteousness Subject Index Tribute

A Quiet Man of God

The following is a tribute I wrote for my father, who passed from this life October 20, 2011.  My friend and brother in Christ, Dennis…

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Posted in Hypocrisy Subject Index

Tragically Ironic

Irony is defined as follows: (1) Incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result.  (2) An event…

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Posted in Christ Jesus Subject Index Worship

True Worship

Jesus is our Lord and Savior. He has established His own covenant, and has revealed to man what true worship under that covenant will be. It is left for us to search out His will, and submit to it fully. Only then will our worship of Him be, “in spirit, and in truth.”

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Posted in Christ Jesus Salvation Subject Index

Living Water

(John 4:1-15)

After Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus (John 3), He left Judea, and traveled through Samaria on His way back to Galilee. Many took a circuitous route between the two regions to avoid the Samaritans, who were despised by the Jews. However, Jesus determined to cross through Samaria, and immediately struck up a conversation with a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well in the city of Sychar.

Jesus’ disciples had departed into the city to buy food, and upon their return (vs. 27) marveled that he had talked with the woman. Jesus’ actions, and the content of the conversation itself, made clear that His purpose in coming to earth was to save all men, not just the Jews.

The beginning of the conversation supplies for us a wonderful application regarding the work of evangelism. Jesus used a mundane request, “Give Me a drink,” (vs. 7), to introduce Himself to the woman as the Messiah. But first, he had to deal with the woman’s perception of Jews. She wondered why he was talking with her, because, as she said, “Jews have no dealings with Samaritans” (vs. 9). Instead of directly answering the question, which was most probably an expression of her animosity, He intimated that He was the Messiah. He said, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water” (vs. 10).

The phrase “gift of God” is a bit obscure, as it could refer to the giving of Jesus himself (cf. John 3:16), or perhaps the gift of salvation. The phrase “living water” was likewise obscure, at least to the woman, as she made the same mistake as Nicodemus, assuming that Jesus was talking about the physical rather than the spiritual. However, Jesus’ manner obviously disarmed and intrigued her, and allowed Jesus an opportunity to teach her important truths relative to her redemption.

Jesus’ words caused her to first ask, “Are you greater than our father Jacob?” (vs. 12), then to proclaim, “Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet.” (vs. 19). Finally, after their conversation was finished, she showed her growing faith by asking her countrymen, “Could this be the Christ?” (vs. 29). To the honest of heart, the words and works of Jesus clearly showed Him to be someone special, (cf. John 3:3), for He “taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes” (Mark 1:22).

The woman was first confused, as she thought Jesus was referring to the water in the well. The well was deep, and Jesus had no container to use to draw the water. Even after further clarification, she still thought Jesus was referring to actual water, perhaps from another location, that would forever slake her physical need (vs. 15).

Jesus, of course, was referring to the spiritual rather than physical. As Dan King puts it in his commentary on John,

It is easy for us to see in these words an allusion to the quenching of the spiritual thirst wrought by the gospel in the hearts of men. But this was a truth which the Samaritan woman could not yet hope to grasp. Her thoughts are upon physical needs and the relief which He might give her from the daily toil associated with visiting the well and drawing water from its depths. (pg. 76-77)

We should not be too harsh in our estimation of this woman, as she has many companions. Nicodemus was already mentioned, asking, “How can a man be born when he is old?” (John 3:4). The multitude in John 6 misunderstood Jesus’ reference to the bread of God, saying, “Lord, give us this bread always” (vs. 34). Even his own disciples often misunderstood His spiritual references to his death, resurrection and reign as the Christ.

Of greater importance is the promise itself, “whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (vs. 14).

What Christ offers us sustains us for an eternity. While we will always get thirsty again, no matter how much we may drink, this spiritual water supplied by Christ quenches our spiritual needs forever. We have a better understanding of Jesus’ words than did the woman at the well, but our request should be the same, “Sir, give me this water, that I may not thirst…” (vs. 15).

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Posted in Immorality Modesty Subject Index

Modest Dress: A Man’s Perspective

Spring is in full bloom, and with the increase in temperatures, we see a corresponding decrease in the amount of skin covered by those who…

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Posted in - Video Scripts Baptism Redemption Salvation Subject Index

Video Script: Wash Away Your Sins (11)

We affirm that the gospel is God’s power to salvation. That to be saved one must believe that gospel, repent of their sins and be…

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Posted in - Videos Confession Salvation

10 – With the Mouth Confession

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Posted in - Video Scripts Confession Salvation Subject Index

Video Script: With the Mouth Confession (10)

While commissioning his disciples to go and preach His gospel, Jesus said, "Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My…

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