Author: Mayberry, Mark
The doctrine of premillennialism has no basis in fact or in Scripture. Let us not be swept away in fanciful or fictitious notions. Rather, let us remain faithful to the old paths and not stray from God’s word. We do not know when Christ is coming back. Therefore we should always be ready. Our prayer and petition should be that of the apostle: Maranatha! Even so, “Come, Lord Jesus!”
Marriage, Divorce & Remarriage: A Universal Moral Law?
In recent years, many discount the teaching of Matthew 19:9 on marriage, divorce and remarriage by saying, “Jesus’ words do not apply to alien sinners, but only to citizens of the heavenly kingdom.” Cultural accomodationists tell us that lost mankind is not accountable to the gospel, but rather answers to some vague and undefined “universal moral law.” How does one answer such heresy? First, it must be acknowledged that the Bible affirms the concept of a universal moral law (Rom. 2:12-16). However, the question is this: Where did such a code originate? Is it innate, inborn, instinctive and intuitive? Or, is this so-called universal moral law based upon man’s memory – however dim – of divine revelation?
Fruit of the Spirit: Peace
Jehovah is a God of peace; the gospel is a message of peace; those who lean upon God know a peace that passeth understanding. Have you been baptized into Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26-27)? Have you been translated into his kingdom wherein we experience redemption and forgiveness (Colossians 1:13-14)? If you were to die tonight, would you rest in peace? If not, obey God while there is time and opportunity (2 Corinthians 6:1-2)!
Works of the Flesh: Lewdness (Lasciviousness)
This study leads us to an inescapable conclusion: God intends for men and women to be clothed in public. We should realize that the very concept of modesty is tied to the sacredness of the marriage relationship (Hebrews 13:4). Not only is one’s body to be preserved for his or her spouse in the sexual relationship, but the body is also to be covered until one enters into the marital relationship. Sadly, too many people miss the point of modest dress. When a person exposes their body in public, they are exposing something that belongs to their spouse or their future spouse. If you have exposed yourself to others, you have given your mate used goods. You are not giving him/her anything that hundreds of other men/women have not seen before. You cheapen yourself by exposing your body in public.
A Public Letter to Ferrell Jenkins (Mayberry)
Brother Jenkins, please accept these words in the spirit of love in which they were written. I have sought to follow Paul’s admonition in 1st Timothy 1:5, which says, “Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father.” This has been my only goal. I remain your friend and devoted former student. I shall never forget the many ways in which you have helped me.
Consequences of New Hermeneutics
Science is driving modern culture, but most of us haven’t even got license plates. We are inundated with various claims of science, all of which purport to be authoritative. Yet, few people have scientific expertise. Most of us are left to wonder which claims are true and which are false.
Interpretation of the Geologic Column
There may be some problems in reconciling certain geologic features with the catastrophic model of geology, but far fewer than the problems that are created by adopting a uniformitarian model. Please remember that there are problems with every theory. The best theory is the one that can be explained with the fewest secondary assumptions.
Age of the Earth
Those who would attempt to harmonize the Bible and the theory of modern evolution must fit 15 billion years into the book of Genesis. They also must stretch the Genesis genealogies to accommodate an old earth demanded by evolutionists.