Author: Smith, Marc
“Go to the Ant, Thou Sluggard” – Proverbs 6:6
Don’t you love this strong admonition of Solomon’s? Often we hear moaning and groaning that Christians are not doing their duty. We might have even…
Always Trust And Depend Upon God
Curiously, the two letters, D. V. are often found at the end of letters written in Eighteenth Century and older correspondence of some very famous…
The Maker’s Mark
Psalms 14:1, “The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” There is a feature that most of us put a lot of…
Doing the First Works: The Mission of Christ and His Church
What Exactly IS the Mission of Christ and His Church? This seems like such an obvious question, yet there is so much confusion about such…
Everything I Really Need Is In My Heart
(2 Corinthians 3:3, “clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God,…
Should Christians Be “Sound” Or “Conservative?”
Do we realize there is a problem in asking if a church is “conservative” or “liberal” when the real question should be to determine if…
Quote From the Past:
“Christians Must Fight” by Foy Wallace, Jr. “The spirit of pacificism is taking the fight out of the church. But the conflict between truth and…
Doing the First Works: Right Pew, Wrong Church?
I knew a wonderful Christian once upon a time who had a saying I have never forgotten. He would say it pensively and reflectively when…
Doing the First Works: Transubstantiation
Just one of several weird Catholic doctrines easy to biblically refute: When I was a young teen I remember some younger friends of my sister’s…
Doing the First Works: Observing Religious Holidays?
Christians from the very beginning have had to decide whether or not to honor the holiday observations of religions other than that of Christ. That…
Doing the First Works: New Testament Conversions
A very excellent fact to know is that all of the cases of conversion are very conveniently found in the Book of Acts. Added to this is the fact that all of these cases of conversion mention baptism. The prevailing denominational views of course minimize or eliminate the need for actual baptism over variations of grace only salvation.
The Titles of Clergy: Are Gospel Preachers Pastors?
Let us consider the issue of gospel preachers being called by denominational titles. A perennial problem for gospel preachers who are “located preachers” is the tendency of ignorant people to call them pastors. It is not usually an evil intent they are displaying, but what they really show is denominational influence when they use this title. However, we all need to be quick to remember there is no clergy/laity class differentiation in the Bible as there is widely evident in the religions man has invented; the denominations.
"Are You On the Guerdon of the Lord?"
He said, “Well, Brother Hedge was asking you if you were on the Lord’s side.” Dad, a lover of words his whole life also added that guerdon was a very old Germanic/French word that probably refers to the reward a knight received from his lord for his military service. The spiritual application of this was to learn if I was the Lord’s man or not.
Blessed Sleep
The Lord knows we need sleep and that it is a comfort to us as well. The word of God actually addresses this subject quite a bit. Let us consider some things that He wants us to know about sleep.
India – Teaching Liberal Preachers Sound Doctrine
Just think of it: India is rapidly advancing in technology and commerce; her people prospering as never before. I instantly fell in love with these kindhearted, hard working and very intelligent people. They are as fine a people as any in the world. India (Bharat, which is Hindi for “The Republic of India”) has about one billion people and this incomprehensible number makes me think of the Lord’s confident urging to believers in John 4:35, where he said, “..behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.“ If we claim to love Him, how can we resist this opportunity?
"…Let None of You Suffer…As a Thief"
1 Peter 4:15, “But let none of you suffer as a murderer, a thief, an evildoer, or as a busybody in other people’s matters.” Does it often occur to us that criminals suffer in their commission of wrong doing?
"I Will Help Thee, Saith the Lord"
Though it is gladly received when it rarely happens, we must not ever become dependant upon others to be spiritually buoyed. What we must rely upon and must fully realize is that the Lord is always there and we can access Him in prayer and He not only listens to us but gives us the help and encouragement we so often desperately need.
Preaching the Gospel With the Jerusalem Ring
Our preaching must be clear, easily understood, and authoritative. So, out go the references to the latest research in psychology and any trendy information as proof or authority of what we teach. And out goes any references to Max Lucado and any others of his scattering breed, and out goes the self-inflated, the hireling, the self-promoting preachers from among us. Our preaching must be clear, easily understood, and authoritative. So, out go the references to the latest research in psychology and any trendy information as proof or authority of what we teach. And out goes any references to Max Lucado and any others of his scattering breed, and out goes the self-inflated, the hireling, the self-promoting preachers from among us.
Fruit of the Spirit: Kindness (Gentleness)
If we want to convert the lost we must first be kind. If we want to regain our erring brother, we must first be kind. Kindness shows our compassion, our consideration toward them. It shows our harmless nature and it can prove our sincerity is real. Trust comes to those who first are kind in their dealings with others. It is the stamp of Christ in our character. If it is lacking in us, it is why we are unsuccessful or ineffectual in our teaching and our example to others. Please remember to be kind!
Works of the Flesh: Adultery
It is important for Christians to understand the nature of this particular sin and to know fully the consequences of committing adultery. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.” If we want to have heaven, we must avoid such sin.