Author: Needham, James P.
Are Institutional Orphan Homes Expedient?
If the benevolent societies among us are mere expedients, will someone prove it by measuring them by the scriptural qualifications set forth by Paul? If they can be harmonized with such qualifications some one should do it, if not they should be renounced in the interest of unity among God’s people.
Fruit of the Spirit: Longsuffering
Longsuffering is a fruit of the Spirit, the opposite of it is a work of the flesh. As we contrast the two, it is easy to decide which we want in our lives. Not only is longsuffering essential to living a God-pleasing life, it is also essential to living a happy life. So we can say that it has great promise in the life that now is, and in that which is to come.
Works of the Flesh: Selfish Ambitions
Strange indeed it is that the Bible prescribes unity, but we often practice division; It teaches brotherly love and we often practice brotherly hate; it demands truth but we often practice falsehood; the Bible places Christ preeminent in all things (Colossians 1:18), but some brother want to be the center of attention; it says we should have the same care one for another, but we often have parties, clicks and politics; we are to have elders that rule well, but we often have elders that rule from hell.
Some Old Saws — Same Old Saws
The present condition among the conservative brethren bears remarkable resemblance to previous episodes of innovation. Those who are trying to sell the unity in diversity bill of goods are using the same old saws we always hear at such a time as this.
Christ: The Divine Depository of All Religious Authority
All religious institutions, conceptions, and actions that find their authority outside the law of Christ are sinful and are destined to be rooted up by God (Matthew 15:13). The religion of Christ was designed by God in eternity, and must remain as delivered unto us by the Holy Spirit in the Bible. To add to it or to take from it or to preach other than its precepts is to incur the wrath of God (Galatians 1:8,9; 2 John 9-11; Revelation 22:18,19).