Author: Matthews, David
Cast Out From Among You
So in answer to the question about who I will fellowship: I will fellowship everyone, those who are like myself and those who are different from myself, those which I can agree with and those I must disagree with, the people who love me and the people who hate me, the strong Christian with convictions and the weak Christian with doubts, the wise and the fool. I will love all people, have mercy and generosity upon their sin and error, and praise and honor them for their virtue and truth. I will draw no lines, maintain no boundaries, close no doors and never betray my love for the truth.
Slandering the Denominations
Christians must regard no individual, publication or institution as perfect or a reliable defender of the truth. By doing all these, Christians will progress beyond the present sad state of division and carnality which characterizes our communication with others.
Neither Black Nor White
I find the behavior of Christians in the past very troublesome, especially in light of the problems which continue to exist today. Racism undoubtedly was present among Christians in the past, and racism still exists in some form even today. Christians who claim perfection in knowing and understanding God’s doctrine concerning the church, the faith and life are futile in their own perfection if racism and other forms of injustice are accommodated and even promoted among Christians.