Author: Reeves, Bill
Romans 14 and Days
An individual is at liberty to make special use of any day (esteem, or show a preference above another) for study, meditation, and prayer, in addition to the Lord’s day (the first day of the week). He may esteem Sunday as the day in which to refrain from all secular work and play for the entirety of the day. But he is not at liberty to so use a day as to violate the law of Christ, nor to bind the practice upon others.
Jean’s Day
This is a classic example of making the Bible to be what we want it to be, rather than letting the Bible make us what God wants us to be! It is a play-thing with the unbelievers who play the role of God in producing a “Bible” that will reflect what they want to believe and how they want to live.
Observations on the Article by Brother Ferrell Jenkins (Reeves)
Parents are not sending their children to Florida College in order that they might hear different “views” or “options” concerning Bible doctrines, without any denunciation or refutation of that which is false. They are sending them, in particular as respects the Bible courses, to be taught the truth, while also learning to recognize false doctrine on certain Bible subjects.
Controversy in History
Note how that in nearly every generation issues have arisen and often have reoccurred. So, repeated teaching is necessary for each generation, in order to avoid falling victim to apostasies. All of these “neo”, or new, movements, and doctrines, reflected the rebellion of men against established authority, and opened the door for more and greater departures from the apostolic order of things. Many in the brotherhood are fast on the road to classic modernism.
Confusion on the Covenants: Jesus – Priest After the Order of Melchizedek
The seventh chapter of Hebrews completely demolishes the false doctrine of those who advocate the “one covenant theory”.