Author: Stan
Great is the Mystery of Godliness
In God’s revelation, we are blessed with the most important truths known. They are timely, are worthy of examination – and demand a proper response from each of us.
What is Repentance?
Do you believe, as did the Jews on Pentecost, that God made Jesus “both Lord and Christ” (Acts 2:36)? If so, to be saved you must do the same thing that they did. “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins” (2:38).
“My people have committed two evils”
It is bad enough to depart entirely from Jehovah. It is even worse to depart but make a pretense of faithfulness. Such a pretense is possible only for those who are chosen of God.
Desperately Seeking Relevance
In recent decades, cultural trends toward secularization have served to marginalize believers and their faith. Church membership and attendance has decreased dramatically. How have most denominations sought to reverse this negative trend? By becoming relevant. Oh, the siren song of relevancy! In effect, there is a need to appeal to the carnal man, because a spiritual approach will not get them in the door! Has the Lord’s church been trending in the same direction? If so, how? And what is the proper response to a world that shows no interest in God?
Video Script: What Now? (12)
You have heard the precious gospel of the Lord, and have responded in faith, repenting of your sins, confessing Jesus as your Lord, and have…