Watchman Magazine was created by, and is the sole property of Stan Cox, owner, editor and publisher. In its initial iteration (1998-2005), Stan served as publisher and editor. Tom Roberts and Larry Fain served as associate editors.
In its present iteration, (January 2010 – present), Stan Cox serves again as publisher/webmaster. The magazine has a new slate of writers. The writers (for the most part) self edit, and publish on their own schedule. In his present work as editor, Stan reads each article after it is published, to determine if the article passes three standards: 1) Doctrinal accuracy; 2) Moral integrity; 3) Writing proficiency. Stan has reserved the right to answer any material he deems to fail the first two standards, and to rescind the invitation to write for the paper if he believes circumstances necessitate the decision. Each writer understands and has agreed to these conditions.
Watchman Magazine began publication in January 1998, following a prospectus issue in November 1997.
The magazine continued a monthly publication schedule (with a few exceptions) through January 2005, when publication ceased.
Watchman Magazine has been redesigned and retooled. Every article written from the Prospectus issue until the present is available on our new site. However, we have also maintained our archives of the magazine in its original form. This is necessary as many other web sites on the internet have linked to Watchman articles over the years. So that those links will not be broken, we have kept them online in their original form, as static HTML pages.
If you are interested in looking at the original Watchman Magazine click on the following URL:
In October 2010, the Watchman Magazine site was hacked and destroyed. Fortunately, the majority of the site was backed up, and no material was lost. In rebuilding the site, Stan increased security, and updated all software to ensure that the site was better protected, and even more functional. The look of the site changed, as Stan completely revamped the site at that time.
At present, Stan’s intention is to continue publishing Watchman for the foreseeable future. He intends to ensure that each article will remain online and available so long as he lives on the earth, and the Lord tarries. All material on Watchman is free, and readers are encouraged to reprint and use the material, with the following provisions. 1) Do not alter the material. 2) Give credit in reprints to both author and source.
While all material is free at the Watchman site, it can be read in different forms. Stan is in the process of publishing each volume of Watchman Magazine in traditional form. As each volume of Watchman Magazine becomes available as a casebound book, it can be purchased by going to Watchman Digest, a site maintained for the purpose of selling these volumes and other materials created by Stan. The volumes will also be available for reading on the Amazon Kindle ereader, and in epub format for other electronic readers.
Thank you for reading Watchman Magazine.
Stan Cox