As Romans chapter seven dealt with indwelling sin, chapter eight points to a subject of greater promise, the indwelling Spirit of God and Christ. Paul writes, “Now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he is not his.” While this matter is one of great controversy with Calvinists, it need not be confusing to the new testament Christian. The Holy Spirit works in us and dwells in us in the same way that God and Christ do as we allow the divinely inspired word and example to influence our decisions and lifestyle so that we more perfectly employ and exemplify the will and wisdom of the Godhead.
In this article, we hope to establish the truth about the indwelling of the Spirit and then discuss six consequences of his abiding presence in the saint.
The very idea presented here and by John that we abide in the persons of the Godhead while they also dwell in us shows that the relationship must be figurative, describing the influence that God has over us through his revelation in the Bible. Logic and the texts themselves eliminate a literal, physical interpretation of this relationship and every attempt to explain the mutual indwelling slips over into the figurative out of necessity.
Does a figurative interpretation of the indwelling cheapen the experience? Only to those who fail to see the glory in allowing the spirit of God to influence you through the masterpiece that is the New Testament.
Some commentators have ascribed to the Holy Spirit the devilish ability to possess individuals and compel them to act against their evil will. While many passages describe the supernatural abilities that were given by the Holy Spirit in the first century age of miracles, the Bible student finds none that suggest the Holy Spirit can turn people into his hypnotized, robotic slaves (cf. 1 Cor. 13:8-13 and 14:31-32).
Instead, the Spirit’s influence is achieved when his weapon is engaged (Eph. 6:17). The Spirit’s sword, his weapon to slice through error, misguided good intentions, and every secret thing, is the means by which he lays bare a man’s heart and renders it ready for conversion (cf. Heb. 4:11-13). To suggest that God cannot affect our hearts, save by force, while the devil holds the ability to sway them freely is to argue that the lie is stronger than the truth and that the gospel has no genuine persuasive power (cf. Rom. 1:16).
Commentator Albert Barnes says, “This evidently does not mean endowed with miraculous gifts, or the power of speaking foreign languages, for such gifts were not necessary to the discharge of their office, but it means men who were eminently under the influence of the Holy Ghost, or who were of distinguished piety” (Barnes Notes: Acts, page 111).
Perhaps an illustration will help. Suppose a certain company is looking to hire a security guard and the supervisor deems the qualifications for this position to be physical fitness, ability to roof a house, and alertness. The middle quality is obviously out of place because it is not immediately related to the task; neither would miraculous abilities be necessary to serve tables (ask any waitress!).
Being filled with the Holy Spirit in this sense of the phrase had to do with the character of these seven men. Were their lives exhibiting the influence of this person of the Godhead, charged with making the holy lifestyle known? That Stephen was judged to be filled with the Holy Spirit here means that his life was influenced by the will and revelation of this person of the Godhead (Gal. 5:16-18). Stephen was showing the works of the Spirit, was led by the Spirit and was walking in the Spirit. He was filled with the Holy Spirit so that God’s light was constantly reflected in the things he did and the words he said (Matt. 5:14-16). His character and record thus qualified him to serve in this capacity and ensure unity in the Jerusalem church.
Paul’s portrait of spiritual and carnal men does not employ all the various shades and hues that we are accustomed to seeing in great works of art. It does not have shadows and considerations of individual perception. As a matter of fact, the artist, the Holy Spirit, employed nothing more than the black and white of sin and salvation. The carnal mindset is addicted to matters of the flesh, is not subjective to God’s law, is not pleasant to his judgment, and places one at enmity with him until the result is eternal death. No shades of gray about that.
The spiritual mindset then is the opposite:
- It is addicted to matters of the spirit, set on things above, not on things of the Earth (Col. 3:1-4).
- It is submissive to the law of God, not calling Jesus “Lord, Lord,” while refusing to obey his will (Luke 6:43-49).
- It is pleasant to God’s judgment, walking in the light as he is in the light and enjoying fellowship that extends both heavenward and across the redeemed among men (1 John 1:5-7).
- It makes one a friend of God until the result is eternal life: “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. You are my friends if you do whatever I command you” (John 15:13-14).
- A changed mindset is transformed and renewed, offering itself as a living and daily sacrifice to God and making the tough choices when sin beckons and righteousness reminds (Rom. 12:1-2).
- It is set on different things than the world tends to offer, things that are nobler and pure (Phil. 4:8-9). The spiritual mindset knows when to switch off the television, turn away from evil companions and rally beneath the security of the cross.
In the Old Testament, when Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, don’t you know that old Jacob would have paid any ransom to regain his son? Yet no earthly means would have sufficed to pay our ransom and so God sent Jesus to complete the transaction on the cross (Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 1:18-19).
John combined this blessing with responsibility: “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know him …. And everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure” (1 John 3:1-3).
This quest for moral purity is specifically applied to sexual chastity by Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:15-20. As the body of a Christian is a temple of the indwelling Spirit, so that temple must be kept pure and free from adulterating sin. The same writer told the Thessalonians that sexual chastity was the will of God, their sanctification (1 Thess. 4:1-8), that lifestyle choice which clearly distinguishes them from a world beset with sexual curiosity and gratification. The presence of the spirit in our hearts increases the reason and resolve to withstand temptations that would tear us away from our redeemer.
So many people live this life with no hope of anything beyond the grave; many even dread what is on the other side, for they recognize that they cannot save themselves and yet they cannot submit to God’s grace either. Don’t take that hope lightly, nor ignore it: “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men the most pitiable” (1 Cor. 15:19).
It is that spirit who raised Christ from the dead and allowed him to break the bonds of Hades and ascend into heaven, a feat which will be imitated on behalf of all the faithful who have made their bodies temples of the Holy Spirit while they waited to enter the eternal temple beyond the clouds.
Debtors must be people of gratitude and humility who put to death the deeds of the body which lead to death (Eph. 4:20-24). The indwelling Spirit reminds us of the blessing and obligation we have with God. His presence, felt pleasantly when we make good choices, and painfully when we stray, is evidence of the precious promises and solemn warnings God has made us. It is a presence understood when the scriptures guide and validate our decisions and we reflect the glory of their author.
Although this work is mysterious, it is in the vein of our Lord’s ongoing assistance to us (Heb. 4:14-16). Whatever the precise meaning of this promise, it is weighty and wonderful. When we feel our weakest and unable to communicate our need, we will be helped.
Some ask, “Should I feel the indwelling of the Spirit?”. The question reflects a Calvinistic influence that salvation is better felt than told. Indeed you should feel that you are right with God, but you should not think that you are right with God just because you feel good. You should allow the Spirit to swing his sword into your heart and then examine your own deeds to see if they are fruits of the Spirit or works of the flesh (Gal. 5:16-26). When you are full of faith and doing right, you can trust, know and feel that the Spirit is in you. He dwells there, not literally, but in the figure of the influence of his word.
* Youth refers to that time once a person has reached a maturity of accountability and should not be understood to refer to infancy.