A saw is not always a tool with which to cut something. Webster says it is a proverb, or a trite saying. We are being treated to several old saws today. Lets have a look at some of them.
These are perilous times for conservative brethren. Unless some changes in attitude occur, division is inevitable among the conservative churches. It will likely take a while for it to occur, but all the elements of division are now present: misrepresentation, accusation, polarization and separation. This all started with the publication of erroneous views on marriage, divorce, and remarriage. It has moved from that to widespread discussion of what is generally called “fellowship.” Romans 14 is being misused in an effort to foist upon the brethren generally an attitude of tolerance known as “unity in diversity,” You believe it your way and I’ll believe it mine, and we’ll get along just fine. A brother recently described the situation in the congregation where he worships. He said, “We have people here who are institutional, some who are anti-institutional, and some who are liberal on the marriage issue. We have agreed not to do anything that violates anyone’s conscience, and we will not preach on these things or try to convert each other.” I will guarantee you that we could get along with the devil with that philosophy! What ever happened to “earnestly contending for the faith”(Jude 3), and preaching the whole counsel of God? (Acts 20:27).
The present condition among the conservative brethren bears remarkable resemblance to previous episodes of innovation. Those who are trying to sell the unity in diversity bill of goods are using the same old saws we always hear at such a time as this.
Some brethren claim it is a violation of a congregation’s autonomy to send its bulletin or other written materials to members of another congregation. Again it should be said that to do such does not make a decision for another church; it is only supplying information. If such literature contains error it should not be sent anywhere, but if it contains the truth of the gospel, it should be sent everywhere (Mk. 16:15,16).
It is true that in the heat of battle brethren sometimes lose their focus on issues and became personal and heated and manifest a bad attitude, but if brethren are not mature enough to strain out such extraneous matter and absorb the truth underneath, that is a sad commentary on them. It appears that this charge too is just a kind of a self-righteous shield thrown up as a means of making brethren feel justified in not taking part in the battle for truth.
There is a difference between dealing with persons and dealing in personalities. It is not wrong to attach a man’s name to the doctrine he teaches. If so, then Paul was wrong for he constantly did such. He spoke of Hymanaeus and Alexander, “Holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck: Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme” (1 Tim 1:19-20). (Alexander the coppersmith,) “Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord reward him according to his works.” (2 Tim 4:14). Paul exposed Peter’s hypocrisy before the whole church at Antioch, and we are told about it in great detail in the scriptures. If a person does not want his name attached to the doctrine he teaches then he should cease teaching the doctrine. It is the height of cowardice to want to be free to teach anonymously. I can’t imagine a brother not wanting his name identified with the truth. The fact that he is offended when his name is attached to what he teaches makes me suspicious of his motive. Why would a brother be ashamed to be identified with the truth? (Rom. 1:16). We are warned of false teachers who creep in unawares. “And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage” (Gal 2:4; Jude 4). It is our solemn duty to see that this doesn’t happen. Identifying those who teach false doctrines is a sure way of preventing it.