This month we highlight a church in Italy.
(The following article is written by Valerio Marchi, Evangelist for the church in Udine. Steve Wallace)
The Church in Udine, Italy
My name is Valerio Marchi; I am 37 and work as an evangelist with the Church of Christ at Udine, in northeastern Italy, not far from the Austrian and Slovenian borders. About 100,000 people live in this city and 200,000 in the surrounding area. My wife’s name is Patrizia; we got married in 1986 and we have a daughter, born in 1995, whose name is Arianna Vera. I have been preaching since 1985, spending all these years at Udine; but, of course, also preaching from time to time in other places, according to the opportunities.
The Beginning of the work at Udine
Present situation of Udine Church
Methods in preaching
- First of all, of course, we try to practice personal evangelism, speaking to our relatives, friends, colleagues and so forth.
- Gospel meetings and special services, inviting the people by advertisements in local newspapers, invitation cards, pamphlets, posters affixed to the walls of the city.
- Radio broadcastings, both on national and local Radio stations.
- Proposal of a Bible correspondence course.
- Delivering of fliers directly to the people or on their cars parked in town, or in the mail-boxes, or mailing them.
- Telephone calls, asking the people whether they are interested in a deeper talk about the Bible.
- Renting a room or hall in surrounding villages and advertising Bible studies to take place on a given night. Over half of the members of the church in Udine are from outside of the city and most were initially contacted by such methods.
I cannot say that one method is better then another. We have had good results as well as a lot of failures through each of them (as is normal in preaching the Gospel).
Resistance we have encountered
Experience with liberal brethren
Reflections on my experience with the work in Italy
We are able to produce sufficient and, I believe, good written material (fliers, tracts, magazines, commentaries), both written by Italians and translated from American (Bible studies written by American brethren).
In general, Italian brethren are enough committed to the Lord. Two of the main problems are the facts that the congregations grow very slowly in number (in spite of the many efforts done in spreading the Gospel), and, even after many years, they can’t appoint elders and deacons according to the qualifications of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
5-20 years after the end of the Second World War (years in which many many people were very angry about their spiritual food and ready to look for the truth), the situation changed: confusion, ecumenism, materialism, indifference and other hindrances are giving a very good “support” to the State religion and Satan.
Of course, Christians coming from other countries are always welcome here, in order to encourage one another, teaching and learning from each other the many good things of the Gospel and the reciprocal experiences in the Kingdom.
Valerio Marchi