To all readers of Watchman Magazine I want to extend my apologies for getting this March issue online a few days late. It might be said, “Events, they conspired against me.” Watchman Magazine is a relatively large venture, with three editors, seven regular feature writers, and a host of of “theme” writers, and other authors. However, there is still only one publisher, and that’s me. For those unfamiliar with the World Wide Web, that entails taking the edited materials, and putting them in HTML format, then uploading them to the Watchman site. This is enjoyable work, but with a venture this large it takes quite a bit of time. This month, with a heavy work schedule, a gospel meeting late in the month, computer problems, and a flu “bug”, I just ran out of time. I want you to know that no one is more disappointed regarding this delay than I am, and I am taking steps to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
This month’s edition of Watchman Magazine is a continuation of the theme “Confusion on the Coventants” that began with the February issue. This month, Steven F. Deaton answers for us the question, “Are we are bound by the Law to observe the Sabbath day?”, in his article, What About the Sabbath? Bill Reeves discusses Jesus Christ: “Priest After the Order of Melchizedek”. Frank Jamerson lends his pen again to our magazine, describing the concept of the “One Covenant” position as it relates to the “New Hermeneutics” advocates, in his article Covenant and New Hermeneutics. Joe Price clearly establishes the synonymic relationship of the terms “Covenant” and “Testament” in his article Covenant and Testament. Finally, Bobby Holmes examines the covenants God made with man with a focus on the Scheme of Redemption. His article is entitled God’s Fourfold Promise to Abraham. Add to these fine efforts the third article in a series of four on Free Will, penned by Larry Ray Hafley; a fine effort from the pen of Justin Monts (a young man of considerable talent), entitled Who Is Accursed?; and all of our regular features and editorials, and you have another issue of Watchman Magazine that we can submit to you, our reader, with the desire that you read it carefully and discerningly with an eye to the truth of God’s word.
Finally, let me express my appreciation to all who are regular visitors to our Magazine. This month we will easily surpass 5,000 hits to our site. Many wonderful compliments have come our way. Brethren all over the nation are reading the articles, printing them out, and sharing them with others. Truly this transcends every hope we might have had for this undertaking. Even the criticisms of the magazine are appreciated, for they supply for us a forum to discuss our differences. It is secrecy and subterfuge that will cause destruction and damage to the people of God (see Tom’s editorial, Privacy: “Let’s Keep This Among Us Boys”), truth never need fear investigation. Make sure you come back time and again, and read every article in this issue. Also, feel free to check out our past issues, for Watchman Magazine is archived, and every article is easily available to our readers. Print out the material, spread the news, buy a computer if you have to (after all, there is no subscription cost associated with the magazine). And always remember our gratitude for your interest in Watchman Magazine.